Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Fwd: New Beginnings

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From: YUTorah <office@yutorah.org>
Date: Tue, Jan 24, 2023, 11:02 AM
Subject: New Beginnings
To: <agentemes4@gmail.com>

New on YUTorah this Week

Yeshiva University

Center for the Jewish Future

January 24-30 • Shevat 3-9

The newsletter this week is sponsored by Ezra & Racheli Friedberg in honor and appreciation of Alan & Miriam Goldberg

This learning on the site this week was sponsored:

by Debbie Nossbaum in loving memory of her father, Nathan Werdiger, נתן בן שלמה אלימלך

by Ruth Peyser Kestenbaum and Miriam & Alan Goldberg to mark the tenth yahrtzeit of their father, Irwin Peyser, Harav Yisroel Chaim ben R' Dovid V' Fraidah Raizel Peyser

by Carole, Avi and Amanda Daman in honor of Dr. Henry Kressel

by Dr. Harris and Elisheva Teitz Goldstein l'zecher nishmos his parents, Rabbi Dr. Noah Goldstein, HaRav Noach ben Yitzchak David z'l, and Beverly Goldstein, Bayla bas Noach Ze'ev z'l, on their yahrzeits this week

by Ezra & Racheli Friedberg in honor and appreciation of Alan & Miriam Goldberg

by Barbie and Ira Taub in memory of Pesach ben Yisroel Tzvi Hirsch, Paul Taub

New This Week

Rabbi Daniel Z. Feldman

Reflections on Racism and Prejudice
How do Chazal categorize the harm caused by racism and how does that play out practically?

Listen Now
Rabbi Yosef Kalinsky

Grounded in the World of Eternity
Chizuk upon the start of the new Zman at YU based on Rav Soloveitchik's reflections on mesorah.

Listen Now
Rabbi Menachem Penner

Hishtadlus and Bitachon: The Unique Avodah of College

Insights from Rav Wolbe's Alei Shur.

Listen Now
Rabbi Shimon Schenker

Introduction to Tomer Devorah

The first in a new series going through the classic work of Rav Moshe Cordevero.

Listen Now
Rabbi Etan Schnall

Staying Happy on the Roller Coaster of Life

What the Mesilas Yesharim teaches us about happiness.

Listen Now
Rabbi Eliav Silverman

The Sanctity of the Hebrew Alphabet

Exploring the history and significance of the Aleph-Bet.

Listen Now

Featured This Week


The new Zman at YU

The new Spring 2022 semester has started at YU, and with that is the new daily shiur schedule of gemara and halacha shiurim. Now's the perfect time to join a daily shiur and connect with the Rebbeim and Roshei Yeshiva at YU.

Browse the Shiurim

Learn the Laws of Kiddush Levana

What is the meaning of the different parts of Kiddush Levana we say each month?

Browse the Shiurim

Jump into Daf Yomi

Jump into Daf Yomi with Mesechet Nazir. Supercharge your daily learning with multiple choices of Magedei Shiurim and additional resources and shiurim to give you more depth and undestanding of the daily daf.

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