Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel of Illinois 2 Shevat, 5783/January 24, 2023

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Agudah <info@agudahil.org>
Date: Tue, Jan 24, 2023, 5:02 PM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel of Illinois 2 Shevat, 5783/January 24, 2023
To: <agentemes4@gmail.com>

January 24, 2023 | 2 Shevat, 5783

  • Your Voice, Our Power. Make sure to order your mail ballots! Thanks to our concierge service, voting has never been easier. And there are no more excuses! See below for information on the upcoming election. For questions, email Beth Bassman at bbassman@agudahil.org or call 773.279.8400 ext. 261.

  • The National H3 Summit will iy"H take place February 28th - March 1st. Scroll for details and to register.

  • On the topic of how halacha affects your business, next month, Agudas Yisroel will be sponsoring its annual Yerushalayim Yarchei Kallah. See below for more information and for a special offer for Chicago Yarchei Kallah attendees.

  • The new Pirchei Mishnas Shabbos program now has 5 locations! See below for details and to set up a Shiur in your Shul.

  • This Shabbos! Pirchei Mishnas Shabbos invites all Peterson Park members to an Oneg Shabbos. See below for details.

  • 'Coming around' this coming Monday! Bnos invites all elementary and high school girls to a free mid-winter ice skating trip. See below for more information.

  • Lost & found announcement: A coat (blue ombre, size 3T) and a pair of glasses were left in the library a couple of weeks ago. If these items are yours, please email the librarian at librarian@agudahil.org to claim them.

The National H3 Summit

Click Here to Register
Click here to register

This year for the first time, Chicagoans have the option to fly non-stop Motzaei Shabbos and arrive in time for the start of the Yarchei Kallah. Also, in recognition of the new sugya and the revival of the Chicago Chaburah, a limited number of travel and/or registration fee subsidies may be available for those that register soon. Please contact rcynamon@agudahil.org for more information and availability.

Pirchei Mishnas Shabbos

Click here or on the above image to download a copy of the flyer

This Week! Mishnas Shabbos - Oneg Shabbos

This Coming Monday: Bnos Mid-Winter Free Ice Skating Trip

Click here or on the above image to download a copy of the flyer

Lost & Found Announcement

A coat (blue ombre, size 3T) and a pair of glasses were left in the library a couple of weeks ago. If these items are yours, please email the librarian at librarian@agudahil.org to claim them.

If you did not receive this email directly and would like to receive it in the future, please click here.
Agudath Israel of Illinois | 3434 W Peterson Avenue, Chicago, IL 60659
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Sent by info@agudahil.org

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