Monday, January 23, 2023

Fwd: Rosh Chodesh Shvat, a Day Focused on Translating Torah

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From: Sichos in English <>
Date: Mon, Jan 23, 2023, 1:10 PM
Subject: Rosh Chodesh Shvat, a Day Focused on Translating Torah
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Rosh Chodesh Shvat, 5783 — January 23, 2022

A Gut Chodesh!

Today, Rosh Chodesh Shvat, is the day when Moshe Rabbeinu, in the last weeks of his life, began translating the Torah into 70 languages. For us annually, this day is very special as this is our mandate, to translate Torah and to make it accessible to all. 

Furthermore, on Wednesday, Gimmel Shvat, is the Yahrzeit of Rabbi Yonah Avtzon A"H who served as the director of Sichos in English for over forty years, publishing hundreds of volumes and making the organization into what it is today. 

In honor of Rosh Chodesh Shvat and Le'iluy Nishmas Reb Yonah ben Reb Meir, we are making available a Sichah from the upcoming Devarim volume of Selections from Likkutei Sichos which discusses Rosh Chodesh Shvat and translating Torah. Also, we have added a translation of the Sichah from 3 Shvat, 5752, in which the Rebbe explains the role of Aharon HaKohen — to serve as Moshe's mouthpiece — which is the role that we seek to emulate.

Learn the Sichos
On this significant day, we ask you to partner with us and support our special work.
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With Yud Shvat around the corner, chapters from Lessons in Basi LeGani are available in print.  

Chapters 1-5

Chapters 12-14

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