Thursday, January 19, 2023

Fwd: Two New All Parsha Series and Your Weekly Devar Torah!

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From: All Parsha <>
Date: Thu, Jan 19, 2023, 3:20 PM
Subject: Two New All Parsha Series and Your Weekly Devar Torah!
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NEW SERIES: Bein Kodesh L'chol

NEW SERIES: Bein Kodesh L'chol


New video series with Rabbi Chaim Aryeh Zev Ginzberg


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NEW SERIES: Chumash & Rashi Tests

NEW SERIES: Chumash & Rashi Tests


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R' Frand: Going Down to Go Up

R' Frand: Going Down to Go Up


Weaving through historical stories and personal vignettes, Rabbi Frand shines light on the lows of this week's parsha in order to highlight the eventual highs that Klal Yisroel will experience.


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R' Elefant: Living Al Kiddush Hashem

R' Elefant: Living Al Kiddush Hashem


There are so many things to love and admire about Avraham Avinu, that it seems strange the Torah focuses on just one thing. Ultimately, the consistency of Avraham's chinuch towards his family and those around him would be his shining light.


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R' Silber: Don't Be Patient

R' Silber: Don't Be Patient


With a play on the words of the parsha, R' Silber takes us through a Chidushei Harim to bring out a completely new and refreshing idea of what happened in Mitzrayim.


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R' Lopiansky: Abrogation of Pharaoh's Free

R' Lopiansky: Abrogation of Pharaoh's Free


When it comes to the topic of bechira, free choice, or free will, there are many different ways to understand and process specific situations we experience in our lives. Biblically it could get even more confusing, as we read and learn about how Hashem seemingly manipulated Pharaoh's decision in Mitzrayim. R' Lopiansky helps us get a clear understanding of what really happened.


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