Thursday, February 16, 2023

Fwd: GenAleph Launch; One Mother and 37 Long Years; Meet the Mashgichim

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Date: Thu, Feb 16, 2023, 6:27 PM
Subject: GenAleph Launch; One Mother and 37 Long Years; Meet the Mashgichim
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Be the One They Turn To
Be the One They Turn To
Community Projects and Partnerships

GenAleph, the OU's flagship parenting initiative, has launched, providing a suite of curated resources to help our community confront significant parenting challenges.

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Listen to GenAleph's new podcast, empowering parents and building their confidence

PARSHAT MISHPATIM February 17-18, 2023 / 27 Shevat 5783


HAFTARAH II Kings 12:1-17


THIS SHABBAT Parshat Shekalim, Mevarchim HaChodesh for the month of Adar.


SPECIAL DAYS Rosh Chodesh Adar is celebrated on Tuesday, February 21, and Wednesday, February 22.

Around the OU
A Mother and 37 Long Years
One Mother and 37 Long Years
Orthodox Union

On the passing of Miriam Baumel z"l, OU Kosher CEO Rabbi Menachem Genack remembers the mother whose IDF son's missing remains were returned after 37 years.

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Siyum Berachos Yerushalmi
Siyum Berachos Yerushalmi
Torah Initiatives

This past week, Torah Initiatives hosted its first siyum Yerushalmi, for maseches Berachos, in Woodmere, NY.

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Political Party Does Not Trump Parenting
Political Party Does Not Trump Parenting
Nathan Diament

This week, people from all walks of life are marking National School Choice Week. This is one event where political parties shouldn't play a role. When it comes to our children, we are all on the same team.

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Take Action
Special Shiur in Beit Chilkiya
Special Shiur in Beit Chilkiya
Orthodox Union

At the prestigious Yeshiva Shaarei Shmuot in Beit Chilkiya, 500 students attended Rabbi Genack's shiur on maseches Yevamos.

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Counting the Pages in the Machzor—Comedy With Eli Lebowicz
Counting the Pages in the Machzor—Comedy With Eli Lebowicz

On Tuesday, February 21, Eli Lebowicz will be performing comedy in a hybrid program, on Zoom as well as in person, at Congregation Beth Aaron in Teaneck, NJ.

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Meet the Mashgichim
Meet the Mashgichim
Jewish Action

Ever wonder what an OU mashgiach really does?

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Order Your OU Guide to Passover 2023
Order Your OU Guide to Passover 2023
Orthodox Union

The OU's much-anticipated annual guide to everything you want or need to know about Passover is available to order!

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Torah Initiatives Parsha Trivia and Sweepstakes
Torah Initiatives Parsha Trivia and Sweepstakes
Rabbi Yitzy Fox

Solve these parsha questions, with the chance to win a $100 Amazon gift card if you answer a bonus question correctly. Congratulations to last week's parsha trivia winner, David Wasserman.

Read Trivia Questions
The Power to Serve
The Power to Serve
Rabbi Moshe Hauer

Powerful people exercise control over others that obscures their view of God. Good people employ kindness and respect and marshal their resources to highlight God's power and presence.

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Meat and Milk
Meat and Milk
Rabbi Menachem Genack

What is the nature of the prohibition against cooking meat in milk? And is it connected to the prohibition against eating meat and milk?

Read in Hebrew
The Truth, The Whole Truth, and Nothing But...
The Truth, The Whole Truth, and Nothing But...
Rabbi Shmuel Goldin

What is the distinction between the two differently worded prohibitions concerning the avoidance of falsehood? Why are both of these prohibitions necessary?

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Perek Shira – Chapter 2
Perek Shira – Chapter 2
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz

Learn about the wonders of nature, including why we bless the moon more than the stars, how God makes it rain, where the darkness for the Egyptian plague came from, and much more!

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Doing and Hearing
Doing and Hearing
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztz"l

"Na'aseh venishma" – "We will do and we will hear." What does this mean and why does it matter?

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The Many Lessons of Half
The Many Lessons of "Half"
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

Why were we not required to give a whole shekel, a complete coin, as our contribution?

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The Trauma of Egypt Stays With Us Forever
The Trauma of Egypt Stays With Us Forever
Dr. Danielle Bloom

The trauma of Egyptian slavery stays with us forever and animates the essence of Judaism.

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Serving as a Proper Guardian
Serving as a Proper Guardian
Rabbi Shalom Rosner

In parshat Mishpatim we encounter myriad laws relating to damages, as well as precepts relating to shomrim (guardians).

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Machatzis Hashekel
Machatzis Hashekel
Halacha Yomis

After the destruction of the Beis Hamikdash, there was no longer a Biblical obligation to donate a machatzis hashekel, since the money could not be used to purchase korbanos. Nonetheless, we commemorate the mitzvah in two ways.

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Featured Books
The Queen You Thought You Knew
The Queen You Thought You Knew
OU Press

In The Queen You Thought You Knew, Rabbi David Fohrman invites the reader to look at the Book of Esther with fresh eyes; to join him, as it were, on a guided adventure — a close reading of the ancient biblical text.

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Yerach Tov: Birkat HaChodesh in Jewish Law and Liturgy
Yerach Tov: Birkat HaChodesh in Jewish Law and Liturgy
OU Press

Few of our prayers arouse as much nostalgic appeal as birkat hachodesh, the joyful proclamation of the new month. Yet this familiar tefillah abounds with intriguing questions. Rabbi Elchanan Adler explores these questions in this engaging work.

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