Thursday, February 9, 2023

Fwd: Lab-Grown Meat Status; Yachad Gifts Is Back; What Does the Fox Say?

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From: Shabbat Shalom <>
Date: Thu, Feb 9, 2023, 6:45 PM
Subject: Lab-Grown Meat Status; Yachad Gifts Is Back; What Does the Fox Say?
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Is Lab-Grown Meat Kosher?
Is Lab-Grown Meat Kosher?
OU Kosher

OU Kosher CEO Rabbi Menachem Genack has taken on questions about whether lab-grown meat, created from animal stem cells, is kosher. See and hear his responses in the Washington Post, the Inspiration for the Nation podcast and more.

Find Out Now

PARSHAT YITRO February 10-11, 2023 / 20 Shevat 5783


HAFTARAH Isaiah 6:1-7:6, 9:5-6

Around the OU
OU Statement on This Past Week's Devastating Earthquakes
OU Statement on This Past Week's Devastating Earthquakes
Orthodox Union

We are shocked by the devastating news of the earthquakes that have killed thousands and injured and displaced thousands more in Turkey and Syria.

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Mitchel Aeder on JM in the AM
Mitchel Aeder on JM in the AM
Nachum Segal Network

OU President Mitchel Aeder was featured on JM in the AM and discussed his perspective on where the OU is now and where he will be guiding it for the future.

Listen Now
Listen: 21 Tips for Success
Listen: 21 Tips for Success
Living Lchaim

OU Board Member Laizer Kornwasser shares his insight on the Ko$her Money podcast.

Listen Now
Yachad Gifts Is Back!
Yachad Gifts Is Back!

Yachad is excited to announce the relaunch of Yachad Gifts in time for this Purim's mishloach manot.

Order Mishloach Manot Now
Celebrating 22 Years of the Zula
Celebrating 22 Years of the Zula
OU Israel

Over 200 people participated in OU Israel's erev Tu B'Shevat luncheon honoring Zvi Sand and celebrating 22 years of the Zula.

View Photos and Watch Video
OU Delegation Meets With President Herzog
OU Delegation Meets With President Herzog
Orthodox Union

OU Executive Vice President Rabbi Moshe Hauer and OU Israel's leadership recently met with Israeli President Isaac Herzog where they discussed the need for increased unity between the State of Israel and American Jewry. Read articles in Hebrew in Israeli media outlets such as Kikar HaShabbat and Arutz Sheva.

Read Kikar HaShabbat Article
Read Arutz Sheva Article
Doomsday for Democracy?
Doomsday for Democracy?
Maury Litwack

Is democracy eroding? NJ Congressman Josh Gottheimer joins Maury Litwack on the Power Politics podcast to discuss.

Watch Now
OU Teaches Laws of Kashrut to Houston Jewish Community
OU Teaches Laws of Kashrut to Houston Jewish Community
Orthodox Union

The OU recently concluded an educational event in Houston, Texas, where kashrut experts taught about the laws of kashrut to more than 500 community members and students.

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Halftime for Torah
Halftime for Torah
OU Torah Initiatives

The Super Bowl halftime show can be unpredictable to say the least. This Sunday, OU Torah Initiatives partners with Chazaq to bring you a positive alternative, featuring Charlie Harary, Rabbi Paysach Krohn, Rav Gav Friedman and Rabbi Yoel Gold.

Sign Up
Creating a Caring Community: Supporting a Loved One Facing Illness
Creating a Caring Community: Supporting a Loved One Facing Illness

On Tuesday, February 14, Eve Reingold Kleinerman, JD, Sharsheret's Illinois regional director, explores the best ways to support a friend or loved one facing serious illness, both as individuals and as a community.

Register Now
OU Israel Virtual Bat Mitzvah Program for Mothers and Daughters
OU Israel Virtual Bat Mitzvah Program for Mothers and Daughters
OU Israel

The OU Israel Virtual Bat Mitzvah program begins on Sunday, February 26, at 9:30 AM EST, and is a great opportunity for mothers to bond with their daughters during this transitional year in a fun, inspirational and interactive way.

More Info and to Register
Let's Talk About Caregiving
Let's Talk About Caregiving

Join SPIRIT at a Let's Talk interactive session about caregiving on Wednesday, February 15, and Thursday, February 16. Share experiences, learn from others and receive support from those who may be in similar situations.

Register Here
We Are Back in Person, in Albany!
We Are Back in Person, in Albany!
Teach NYS

Join Teach NYS on Tuesday, March 14, as we head back to Albany and spend the day meeting with state legislators and advocating for increased government funding for nonpublic schools.

Register Now
Order Your OU Guide to Passover 2023
Order Your OU Guide to Passover 2023
Orthodox Union

The OU's much-anticipated annual guide to everything you want or need to know about Passover is now available to order!

Order Now
Torah Initiatives Parsha Trivia and Sweepstakes
Torah Initiatives Parsha Trivia and Sweepstakes
Rabbi Yitzy Fox

Solve these parsha questions, with the chance to win a $100 Amazon gift card if you answer a bonus question correctly. Congratulations to last week's parsha trivia winner, Yehuda Treister.

Read Trivia Questions
Taking Notice
Taking Notice
Rabbi Moshe Hauer

How do we relate to what happens around us? Do we notice the subtle or even the obvious? Do we allow our observations to make us wiser and more thoughtful, or do we ignore inconvenient truths?

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Why All at Once?
Why All at Once?
Rabbi Menachem Genack

The Jewish people heard the Aseret Hadibrot all at once, and then one at a time. But what was the purpose of hearing them all at once if they could not understand them?

Read in Hebrew
How Many Are the Ten Commandments?
How Many Are the Ten Commandments?
Rabbi Norman Lamm zt"l

The Ten Commandments, the Rabbis meant to tell us, are by themselves far insufficient.

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What Does the Fox Say? Insights Into Perek Shira
What Does the Fox Say? Insights Into Perek Shira
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz

Perek Shira contains the songs metaphorically sung by the works of creation. Learn this beautiful work with commentary gleaned from Talmud, Midrash, meforshim and more! You'll finally learn what the fox says!

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To Thank Before We Think
To Thank Before We Think
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztz"l

The "Ten Commandments" are usually portrayed as two sets of five, but it makes just as much sense to see them as three groups of three. Doing so emphasizes what a strange command the tenth is.

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Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

Unlike the father-son relationship, the relationship between father-in-law and son-in-law usually begins in maturity and is, therefore, more of a relationship between equals, more man to man.

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