Monday, February 20, 2023

Fwd: Live with the Rebbe every single day!

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Or Vechom Hahiskashrus <>
Date: Mon, Feb 20, 2023, 10:05 AM
Subject: Live with the Rebbe every single day!
To: <>

Dear Friend, 

We are pleased to announce a new WhatsApp status to bring fresh Chassidishe content to your phone every single day! The Daily Leben status provides Chassidim with a unique opportunity to live with a 'vort' from the Rebbe every single day.

"צווישן די חידושים וואס חסידות האט אויפגעטאן איז אז חסידים האבן א רבי'ן, מען לעבט מיטן רבינס א ווארט, מיט א תנועה, מיט א ניגון." (משיחת ל"ג בעומר תש"ח)

The daily Leben status will feature Letters & Handwritten notes from the Rebbe, Pictures of the Rebbe, Personal diaries of Chassidim, Video & Audio clips, Stories, and much more! Every day, you will have the opportunity to explore a new topic, learn a lesson, or gain a new insight from the Rebbe's words.

To subscribe, simply message "Leben" to +1 (413) 591-8388 or visit

Vaad Or Vechom Hahiskashrus

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