Thursday, February 2, 2023

Fwd: Money Found in Vending Machines; 150 Ways to Connect; Enough to Retire?

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From: Shabbat Shalom <>
Date: Thu, Feb 2, 2023, 8:30 PM
Subject: Money Found in Vending Machines; 150 Ways to Connect; Enough to Retire?
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Get to Know the President
Get to Know Our President
Orthodox Union

New President Mitchel R. Aeder wants to ensure that there's a healthy stream of qualified Jewish professionals to fill the OU's ranks in the United States.

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President of the State of Israel Meets With OU Delegation
President of the State of Israel Meets With OU Delegation

OU EVP Rabbi Moshe Hauer and OU Israel's leadership recently met with Israeli President Isaac Herzog and discussed the need for increased unity between the State of Israel and American Jewry.

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PARSHAT BESHALACH February 3-4, 2023 / 13 Shevat 5783


HAFTARAH Judges 4:4-5:31


THIS SHABBAT Shabbat Shira


SPECIAL DAY Tu b'Shevat is celebrated on Monday, February 6.

Around the OU
Just Do It
Just Do It
Orthodox Union

OU board member Efrat Zisblatt is a doer. The Cornell- and Stanford-educated lawyer holds an MA in Economics, has raised four children and has served on the boards of various school and community organizations.

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Order Your OU Guide to Passover 2023
Order Your OU Guide to Passover 2023
Orthodox Union

The OU's much-anticipated annual guide to everything you want or need to know about Passover is now available to order!

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DC Shmooze: Jewish Rep. in North Carolina
DC Shmooze: Jewish Rep. in North Carolina
OU Advocacy

Hear from Rep. Kathy Manning what it's like to be the first Jewish member of Congress from North Carolina, how people in the Bible Belt respect faith and, of course, the Congresswoman's preference between hamantashen and latkes.

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We Are Back in Person, in Albany!
We Are Back in Person, in Albany!
Teach NYS

Join us on Tuesday, March 14, as we head back to Albany and spend the day meeting with state legislators and advocating for increased government funding for nonpublic schools.

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Torat Imecha Nach Yomi Sefer Tehillim Launch
Torat Imecha Nach Yomi Sefer Tehillim Launch
Women's Initiative

Join the Women's Initiative's Torat Imecha Nach Yomi daily learning as we begin Sefer Tehillim.

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Will My Money Last Through Retirement?
Will My Money Last Through Retirement?

Find out about this and more on Tuesday, February 7, at a presentation, "Holistic Retirement Planning in a Rising Cost World," by David B. Winston.

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When Mobility Is a Mitzvah
When Mobility Is a Mitzvah

A recent wheelchair-accessible van donation to Yachad New Jersey is increasing program options and accessibility for adults.

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150 Days, 150 Ways to Connect to Our Creator
150 Days, 150 Ways to Connect to Our Creator
Women's Initiative

Starting February 4, high school students across the US will spend a few minutes a day learning meaningful messages from Tehillim.

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Listen to Nachum Segal and Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman on JM in the AM discussing the Nach Yomi siyum and the launch of the "Tehillim 150" program. 

Listen Here
Torah Initiatives Parsha Trivia and Sweepstakes
Torah Initiatives Parsha Trivia and Sweepstakes
Rabbi Yitzy Fox

Solve these parsha questions, with the chance to win a $100 Amazon gift card if you answer a bonus question correctly. Congratulations to last week's parsha trivia winner, Zerachya Shicker.

Read Trivia Questions
The Enduring Power of Song
The Enduring Power of Song
Rabbi Moshe Hauer

This Shabbos we celebrate Shabbat Shira, recalling the song Klal Yisrael sang after miraculously crossing the sea to freedom.

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Reading the Blank Spaces
Reading the Blank Spaces
Rabbi Menachem Genack

What is the meaning of the blank spaces in the Song of the Sea? An explanation from Rav Ahron Soloveichik.

Read in Hebrew
The Long Way Around
The Long Way Around
Rabbi Shmuel Goldin

The time has come for the Israelites to begin fighting their own battles. The march towards nationhood has begun in earnest.

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Are Coloring Books Idolatry?
Are Coloring Books Idolatry?
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz

"I signed up for an adult coloring class and they gave me a graven image to color…." Another real-life Q&A!

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Renewable Energy
Renewable Energy
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztz"l

Rest one day in seven and you won't burn out.

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Song of the Sea
Song of the Sea
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

One of teaching's special advantages is the clarity that emerges from conversation with people under the age of ten.

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Can You Keep Items or Money Found in a Vending Machine?
Can You Keep Items or Money Found in a Vending Machine?
Rabbi Binyamin Ghermezian

If you find a quarter in a vending machine's coin return or a chocolate bar in the pick-up box, is it up for grabs? This common scenario is addressed in the series Money Halacha.

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Was a Hard Heart Unique to Pharaoh?
Was a Hard Heart Unique to Pharaoh?
Dr. Danielle Bloom

What is a hard heart? Is this unique to Pharaoh?

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Believers or Disbelievers?
Believers or Disbelievers?
Rabbi Shalom Rosner

In parshat Beshalach, we are informed of what transpired as the exodus unfolded. Upon closer examination, however, there seem to be conflicting accounts as to the reaction of the people.

Read More in Torah Tidbits
Tu B'Shevat Customs
Tu B'Shevat Customs
Halacha Yomis

Monday, February 6, will be Tu b'Shevat. Are there any special customs observed in honor of the holiday?

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Featured Books
Covenant & Conversation: Exodus – The Book of Redemption
Covenant & Conversation: Exodus – The Book of Redemption
OU Press

In Covenant & Conversation: Exodus, Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztz"l fuses Jewish tradition, Western philosophy and literature to present a highly-developed understanding of the human condition under God's sovereignty.

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OU Manual for Checking Fruits and Vegetables
OU Manual for Checking Fruits and Vegetables
OU Press

This comprehensive work discusses the important issue of insect infestation in the foods we eat and how to properly prepare those foods.

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Teach Coalition Positions
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All OU Positions
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