Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel of Illinois 30 Shevat, 5783/February 21, 2023

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From: Agudah <info@agudahil.org>
Date: Tue, Feb 21, 2023, 5:39 PM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel of Illinois 30 Shevat, 5783/February 21, 2023
To: <agentemes4@gmail.com>

February 21, 2023 | 30 Shevat, 5783

  • The National H3 Summit will iy"H take place this Tuesday and Wednesday, February 28th - March 1st. Scroll for details and to register.

  • Your Voice, Our Power. This is the last week for early voting! Please email bbassman@agudahil.org or call/WhatsApp 312.725.2990 for Ballot Pickup. See below for further information.

  • In response to the alarming spike in crime in Orthodox Jewish neighborhoods, on Sunday afternoon, the mayor of Chicago came to Agudath Israel of Illinois' office to speak with community leaders.

  • Yahalom Chicago had a busy day this past Sunday with two meaningful events. See below to read the complete article.

  • Do You Benefit from the Illinois Jewish community? Please take 5 minutes to answer a few questions about your experience and expectations of an organization like ours. In appreciation of your time, the first 50 respondents will be entered in a drawing to win dinner for 2 at Evita. Click here or scroll down to take the survey.

  • Register today for Pirchei Day Camp! Scroll for details and to register.

  • The Pirchei Mishnas Shabbos program now has 5 locations! See below for details and to set up a Shiur in your Shul.

  • This past Sunday, Bnos hosted an appreciation brunch for our dedicated and hardworking Bnos leaders. See below to read the full article.

  • See below for information on a Bnos pre-Purim event for 7th and 8th graders.

  • New & Exclusive! Bnos is excited to expand the gym program to the 7th grade. Scroll down for more details.

The National H3 Summit

Register Now

Public Safety Meeting with Mayor Lori Lightfoot

Seated around the table from L-R: Mayor Lori Lightfoot, Deputy Mayor Elena Gottreich, Mr. Mitchell Rose, Mr. Shomshon Moskowitz, Mr. Simcha Frank, Rabbi Yaakov Robinson

Mayor Lightfoot visiting the Antonia Spitzer Jewish Library

L-R: Mr. Bruce Leon, Rabbi Shlomo Soroka, Rabbi Ari Strulowitz, Rabbi Levi Mostofsky, Mr. Mordy Kaplan

From L-R: Rabbi Yaakov Robinson, Mr. Bruce Leon, Rabbi Ari Strulowitz, Rabbi Levi Mostofsky, Mr. Mordy Kaplan, Mrs. Beth Bassman, Mr. Michie Nudell, Commander Michelene Alexa, Commander Joseph Brennan, Deputy Chief Gabriella Shemash, Mayor Lori Lightfoot, Deputy Mayor Elena Gottreich, Mr. Gregorio Martinez, Mr. Glen Brooks

In response to the alarming spike in crime in Orthodox Jewish neighborhoods, on Sunday afternoon, the mayor of Chicago came to Agudath Israel of Illinois' (AIOI) office to speak with community leaders. Along with her team and the leadership of the police department, Mayor Lightfoot sought to address community concerns and discuss practical plans, exchange ideas, and offer additional resources. Participants included Deputy Mayor for Public Safety Elena Gottreich, Chicago Police Department Deputy Chief Gabriella Shemash, Commander Joseph Brennan, Commander Michelene Alexa, and other police and administration official. The two-hour-long meeting was productive in facilitating a better mutual understanding of a complex issue and produced a number of ideas and resources that could potentially make the community safer. "We are grateful that Mayor Lightfoot took the afternoon to meet, hear our concerns, and respond to them," said Rabbi Shlomo Soroka, AIOI's director of government affairs. "This candid conversation did produce a number of actionable ideas and a new pipeline of resources the city will be providing to help make our neighborhoods safer. We are also grateful to our dedicated police department for working tirelessly to keep us safe every day of the week." AIOI anticipates sharing specific measures and programs as that information becomes available. 

Yahalom Event

Yahalom Chicago had a busy day this past Sunday with two meaningful events. Over twenty mothers of children with special needs met at Blank Mason Candle Bar for a morning of relaxation, friendship and chizuk. After designing and creating beautiful candles, lunch was served with an inspiring guest speaker, Mrs Chani Chase , sharing insight and divrei chizuk. Mrs. Chase is a well-known mechaneches and kallah teacher. Sunday evening, Yahalom mothers were further inspired by Rebbetzin Aviva Feiner at the home of Hadassah Spector. Rebbetzin Feiner is the Rebbetzin of The White Shul, a worldwide lecturer and mother of a child with special needs. The mothers who attended felt connected and gained so much from Rebbetzin Feiner's personal anecdotes, uplifting perspectives and warm personality.

For additional information about Yahalom Chicago, please contact Fiona Kark: 773.279.8400 ext. 266 or email fkark@agudahil.org.

Do You Benefit from the Illinois Jewish Community?

As the Jewish community flourishes, we hope you know about the various services available to you.

Please take 5 minutes to answer a few questions about your experience and expectations of an organization like ours.

In appreciation of your time, the first 50 respondents will be entered in a drawing to win dinner for 2 at Evita.

Thank you!

Take the Survey

Register Today!

Click here to register

Pirchei Mishnas Shabbos

Click here or on the above image to download a copy of the flyer

Bnos Leaders Appreciation Brunch

This past Sunday, Bnos hosted an appreciation brunch for our dedicated and hardworking Bnos leaders! The girls enjoyed the delicious milchig buffet and a special dessert of cheesecake. After Mrs. Aron spoke to the girls about being a leader, the girls shared ideas and tips that they have learned while conducting their Bnos groups. The program ended with a Bnos trivia game that led in to a Chinese auction! We appreciate all that our leaders put into our girls and hope for continued hatzlacha!

Pre-Purim Evening for 7th and 8th Graders

7th Grade After School Gym

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