Thursday, March 30, 2023

Fw: [-aneinu] The Shmuz - Get ready for Pesach with these 2 ideas

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Sent: Thu, Mar 30, 2023 at 11:28 AM
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] The Shmuz - Get ready for Pesach with these 2 ideas

Here are two easy ways that you can break through the pre-Pesach balagan. Prepare now and you can look forward to sitting down to the Seder and fully experiencing the spiritual high of yetzias Mitzrayim:

Idea #1: Listen to Living Through the Makkos. This four-hour investment of your time will give you fresh insights and inspirational divrei Torah for you to share during the Seder. It's going to be a game-changer! Listen here.

Idea #2: Can't find an extra four hours? Join me on The Shmuz on the Parsha. The topic is 'Learning to Love Hashem'. You know that the whole point of Pesach is to strengthen your Emunah and know Hashem loves you, right? If you want to make it real to you this year, this Shmuz will take you step by step on what you need to focus on. Click here to watch or download.

Have an incredible Shabbos and a chag kasher v'sameach,

Rabbi Shafier

P.S. Worried about Pesach reading material? Now might be a good time to get yourself a copy of The Ten Dumb Mistakes that Very Smart Couples Make. Even if it doesn't get to you on time, you can get started with the ebook or audio book that are included in the discounted price.
Hashem and Man - Master And Servant
"The Kohain shall don a garment of linen, and he shall don linen breeches on his skin, and he shall remove the ashes." — Vayikra 6:3

One of the daily activities in the Mishkan was taking out the ashes. The Chovos Ha'Levavos explains that HASHEM commanded Aaron to do this action each day "to lower himself and rid himself of the arrogance in his heart."
This statement seems to imply that Aaron was arrogant, and that HASHEM felt he needed specific work to get rid of that sense of superiority. The problem with this is that it is difficult to imagine that Aaron Ha'Kohain was a haughty individual. This concept becomes even more problematic when we focus on the Torah's description of Aaron.
Tiferes Bnei Torah | 10 Mariner way, Monsey, NY 10952

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