Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Fwd: Download the Benjamin and Rose Berger Pesach To-Go 5783

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Date: Wed, Mar 29, 2023, 11:02 AM
Subject: Download the Benjamin and Rose Berger Pesach To-Go 5783
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Inspire your Pesach with Yeshiva University

Yeshiva University



Established by Rabbi Hyman z"l and Ann Arbesfeld

April 2023 • Pesach 5783

Dedicated in memory of Cantor Jerome and Deborah Simons

A Project of Yeshiva University's Center for the Jewish Future

Download Now

50 Pages of Pesach Insights and Inspiration

Featured in this issue:

Perspectives on Pesach

Rabbi Dr. Ari Berman: The People Missing From Our Seder

Rabbi Michael Taubes: Insights from The Rav on the Maggid Section of the Haggadah

Rabbi Aharon Ciment: A Positive Outlook Changes Everything

Rabbi Lawrence Hajioff: We Are Survivors!

Deena Rabinovich EdD: The Plagues of Yam Suf

Rabbi Yona Reiss: Where is Moshe Rabbeinu in the Haggadah?

Rabbi Shay Schachter: Partnering in the Process of Redemption

Rabbi Mordechai Schiffman, Psy.D.: Strategies for Engagement at the Seder

Shaina Trapedo, PhD: What We Ought to Say at the Seder

RIETS Pesach Halacha

Rabbi Kalman Laufer: Celiac Disease, Matzah and Patient Autonomy

Rabbi Mordechai Willig: The Timing of Searching, Selling and Burning the Chometz

Yeshiva University and Israel

Rabbi Shalom Carmy: Rabbi Soloveitchik the Zionist

Rabbi Reuven Ziegler: Rav Soloveitchik on the Significance of the State of Israel

Mrs. Stephanie Strauss: The Values of Yeshiva University In Israel in Action

Rabbi Josh and Margot Botwinick: Shidduchim, Housing and Israel's Economy: How Yirmiyahu's Forewarnings Became Today's Songs

Rabbi Moshe Taragin: Torah of Harav Aharon Lichtenstein: How Did Rav Lichtenstein Impact Religious Zionism?


Israel and Aliyah

Rabbi Marc Eichenbaum: Table Talk: Quotes and Questions for Family Discussions

Rebbetzin Meira Davis, Rabbi Chaim Eisenstein, Mrs. Aliza Pilichowski,Rabbi Larry Rothwachs: A Panel Discussion About Israel and Aliyah

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