Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Fwd: Here’s how you can celebrate the Rebbe’s Birthday

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From: Sichos in English <editor@sie.org>
Date: Tue, Mar 28, 2023, 1:36 PM
Subject: Here's how you can celebrate the Rebbe's Birthday
To: <agentemes4@gmail.com>

Vov Nissan, 5783 — March 28, 2023
Year of Hakhel

Dear Chana, 

Yud Aleph Nissan marks the Rebbe's 121st birthday. This auspicious day fosters an opportunity for chassidim to reflect on the Rebbe's leadership, innovation, and influence.
One way to recognize the Rebbe's revolutionary and awe-inspiring impact on this world is through learning the Rebbe's Torah. In celebration of the Rebbe, the guiding force for Jewry worldwide and a beacon of light unto the world, Sichos in English is helping Jews honor this special day by sharing a Sichah the Rebbe delivered on 20 Cheshvan, 5742 in celebration of the Rebbe Rashab's 121st birthday.
This Sichah brims with insights on achieving true peace and love for one another as gleaned from Kapital 122, the Rebbe's new kapital. In this Sichah, the Rebbe enlightens on how it is possible to attain true unity despite the external diversity which exists amongst people. As touched upon in Kapital 122, the Rebbe also explores the indication of Yerushalayim as a space which encapsulated bringing Jews together.
Apropos to this year, Shnas Hakhel, this Sichah details various conduits to achieving unity as the Rebbe was a primary example of bringing Jews closer, more together, and uniting us all as one.
Gain insight on the Rebbe's new kapital and tap into your connection with the Rebbe through learning the Rebbe's Torah. May learning about unity promote harmony throughout the world and among Klal Yisroel, particularly in Yerushalayim and the entire Eretz Yisroel, inching us closer to the ultimate union of Hashem and the Jewish people. 

Sichos in English

Learn the Sichah
The fact that we begin this year to say Ch. 122 of Tehillim, which includes this verse and others speaking of unity and love between Jews, is an indication that such unity and love should be emphasized and strengthened this year.
– From the Sichah            
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