Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Fwd: The Koren Podcast with Sivan Rahav Meir

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From: Koren Publishers Jerusalem: Newsletter <>
Date: Wed, Mar 15, 2023, 11:04 AM
Subject: The Koren Podcast with Sivan Rahav Meir
To: Herschel Chroman <>

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The Koren Podcast Al Regel Ahat is back again and this time we're joined by one of Israel's leading journalists, news anchors, and Torah teachers, סיון רהב מאיר - Sivan Rahav Meir!
Sivan has appeared regularly on TV and radio since the age of 8 but as a teenager, a chance encounter would change the trajectory of her life forever as she found a path to orthodox Judaism.
Today, Sivan is a globally sought-after speaker, merging the world of current affairs and the Torah to inspire countless people worldwide. Sivan's daily TV and radio broadcasts as well as her messages to tens of thousands via Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp are an inspiration to all who read them
Listen now as Sivan teaches us her vision of the whole Torah standing on one leg.

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