Sunday, March 19, 2023

Fwd: The Most Recent Farbrengen

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From: Sichos in English <>
Date: Sun, Mar 19, 2023, 8:47 PM
Subject: The Most Recent Farbrengen
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Chof Zayin Adar, 5783 — March 19, 2023
Year of Hakhel

Dear Chana, 

While Chof Zayin Adar, a solemn day for Chassidim worldwide, commemorates the day which impeded his speech, the Rebbe's voice, words, and directives live on in the sichos and maamarim that the Rebbe imparted.

Now, 31 years after the Rebbe's stroke, the Rebbe's impactful messages are waiting to be learned, and thankfully, we are able to make learning them far more accessible.

In commemoration of this significant day, Sichos in English is sharing one of the Rebbe's resounding messages, a transcript of the monumental farbrengen of 25 Adar 1, 5752.

This farbrengen draws connections from Parshas Vayakhel to the Rebbe's mission statement and initial launching theme of the three interconnected loves present in our world — love for Hashem, Torah, and another Jew. Riding on these ideas, the Rebbe extracts this overarching theme by explaining that ahavas yisroel can be accomplished through the message of the parsha, Vayakhel, to gather together as one. The Rebbe also includes practical actions, such as giving tzedakah and strengthening a Jew's individual connection to Hashem, a form of unity with Hashem, as an effective step of infusing a person's life with the three loves. 

Especially this year, Shnas Hakhel 5783, the Rebbe's resounding messages ring clear. Learn this timely Sichah, hear the Rebbe's words, and explore what has to be done to make the vision of unity a reality. 

Sichos in English

Learn the Farbrengen
This unity will lead to the ultimate blessing — the coming of the time when G-d will "sound the great shofar," and together "with our youth and with our elders... with our sons and with our daughters," the entire Jewish people will proceed to Eretz Yisroel, to Yerushalayim, and to the Third Beis HaMikdash.

– From the Farbrengen                       
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