Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel of Illinois 28 Adar, 5783/March 21, 2023

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From: Agudah <info@agudahil.org>
Date: Tue, Mar 21, 2023, 5:03 PM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel of Illinois 28 Adar, 5783/March 21, 2023
To: <agentemes4@gmail.com>

March 21, 2023 | 28 Adar, 5783

  • This past Friday, Agudath Israel of Illinois hosted mayoral candidate Paul Vallas at their offices, together with leading Chicago Rabbonim, lay leaders, and staff. See below to read more.

  • The Mayoral Runoff is the day before Pesach! You can still order a mail ballot. Scroll for details and to sign up for Vote by Mail.

  • This past Thursday night, Yahalom Chicago hosted its first Fathers' event for fathers of children with special needs. See below for the full article.

  • This past Sunday, the Agudah held its annual Pesach food distribution program in partnership with Maot Chitim. See below to read the complete article.

  • Scroll down for Pesach information and services:
  • Save money! Shaimos boxes available at location.
  • Document Shredding and Electronic Recycling
  • Simcha & Yom Tov G'mach - Deadline for orders is Monday, March 27
  • Midwest Bais Hora'ah Shaila Hotline - Pesach questions? One call will do it all!
  • Library information and Pesach schedule

  • Pirchei Mishnas Shabbos Shiurim are continuing on Shabbos afternoon. See below for details.

  • See below for the Shabbos Bnos schedule over Pesach.

Paul Vallas Visits AIOI

Paul Vallas and Rabbi Shlomo Soroka

L-R: Mr. Bruce Leon, Rabbi Ari Strulowitz, Mr. Moshe Davis, Adam Broad, Paul Vallas, Rabbi Shlomo Soroka

Front row, L-R: Rabbi Pinchus Eichenstein, Rabbi Baruch Hertz, Rabbi Moshe Scheinberg, Rabbi Dovid Zucker, Rabbi Shmuel Fuerst, Rabbi Zev Cohen

Back row, L-R: Mr. Yisroel Shapiro, Alderman Debra Silverstein, Alderman Samantha Nugent, Mrs. Aliza Polstein, Mrs. Mindi Zissman, Rabbi Levi Mostofsky, staff member

This past Friday, Agudath Israel of Illinois hosted mayoral candidate Paul Vallas at their offices, together with leading Chicago Rabbonim, lay leaders, and staff. There was a productive conversation about general concerns and challenges, as well as the specific priorities of the Orthodox Jewish community.

"It's important we engage candidates to educate ourselves about their perspectives and educate them about our community," said Rabbi Shlomo Soroka, AIOI's director of government affairs. "It's often at this time that candidates are most receptive to listening to concerns and formulating opinions."

We will be hosting mayoral candidate Brandon Johnson at our offices next Friday. The mayoral run-off election is April 4th, which is the day before Pesach. You can take advantage of Agudah's Voter Concierge Service by clicking on the flyer below, and we will order a mail ballot directly to your house.

Yahalom Father's Event

This past Thursday night, Yahalom Chicago hosted its first Fathers' event for fathers of children with special needs. Approximately 30 men attended the event at Evita's. The goal of the evening was to give the fathers an opportunity to gain knowledge and make connections. Through informal discussion, the men were able to identify challenges, concerns and commonalities that can ultimately enable them to help each other.

Maot Chitim

This past Sunday, the Agudah held its annual Pesach food distribution program in partnership with Maot Chitim Chicago. Over 550 families in our community benefited from this program, which includes assisting with their Yom Tov preparation and alleviating some of the financial costs associated with Pesach. It was a huge success as families were able to easily drive through our pick-up system and orders were quickly placed in their cars, the whole process taking less than 20 minutes. We extend a big thank you to all of the volunteers, community members and office staff who helped make this event run so smoothly. We once again thank Maot Chitim of Greater Chicago for partnering with us in offering this helpful program to so many families in our community.

Pesach Information and Services

Download the Library Pesach schedule

Pirchei Mishnas Shabbos

Click here or on the above image to download a copy of the flyer

Shabbos Bnos Pesach Schedule

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