Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Fwd: It’s a personal Exodus for you, too!

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From: Sichos in English <editor@sie.org>
Date: Tue, Apr 4, 2023, 2:39 PM
Subject: It's a personal Exodus for you, too!
To: <agentemes4@gmail.com>

Yud-Gimmel Nissan, 5783 — April 4, 2023
Year of Hakhel

Dear Chana,

On Pesach every year, we commemorate the redemption of the Yidden from Mitzrayim and their liberation. In truth, the Pesach occurrences, the confines of Mitzrayim and the Exodus that followed, are not merely historic: they symbolize a recurring event in our daily lives. Pesach celebrates our personal freedom as well.
While the Rebbeim of Chabad would conduct a shorter Seder on the first night of Pesach, the second night's Seder was iconic. Year after year, the Rebbeim would invest that evening in expounding the text of the Haggadah, sharing profound insights on the deeper dimensions of Yetzias Mitzrayim and its personal relevance. With the Rebbe, however, both sedarim were of the same length – except that the Second Seder was followed by an uplifting and inspiring farbrengen on the Haggadah.
Enjoy a taste of the rich farbrengen of the Second Night of Pesach, 5711 (1951), the Rebbe's first Pesach farbrengen, and enhance your understanding of the significance of this Yom-Tov. The excerpt below is borrowed from the soon-to-be released Sparking a Revolution series, an updated edition of the classic Proceeding Together.
This farbrengen brims with beautiful and insightful ideas on pivotal Pesach themes: the importance of observing minhagim of the Rebbeim, and reflections on Yetzias Mitzrayim and Korban Pesach in particular.
We trust that this enlightening Seder-night farbrengen will enrich your Seder experience with the Rebbe's teachings and perspectives. And may we all be privileged to celebrate the ultimate Redemption and experience a permanent liberation, with the complete Geulah, and the coming of Mashiach – now!
Wishing you a kosher and happy and meaningful Pesach,

Sichos in English

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