Thursday, April 27, 2023

Fwd: New Beginnings for Mishnah & Yerushalmi

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From: All Torah <>
Date: Thu, Apr 27, 2023, 4:03 PM
Subject: New Beginnings for Mishnah & Yerushalmi
To: <>

All Daf
Thank You!

Thank You!


We'd like to thank Michael & Naomi Nudell and Avrum & Dvorah Weinfeld for their gracious dedication to Maseches Demai Yerushalmi Yomi.

The zechus of all the learning should bring them and their families berocha, health, and happiness.
Please reach out to dedicate a shiur, a day, or a week of learning upon a yahrtzeit or in honor of a loved one.

Every contribution allows thousands of people access to a top-level curated Torah platform.


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NEW: Tumas Kohanim Explored

NEW: Tumas Kohanim Explored


We had the privilege to meet the Rabbonim of the hospitals and get an inside look at how they endeavor to make the hospital kohen-friendly.

Included are shiurim from Rabbi Yossi Sprung, assistant to HaGaon Rabbi Asher Weiss, posek of Shaare Zedek, tours of both hospitals, and two exciting stories from the streets of Bnei Brak.

Divrei Brocha from Rav Weiss and a conversation with Rabbi Yosef Hofner and Rav Mayanei Hayeshua are also included.


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Pirkei Avos: Connecting the Tannaim With Their Lessons

Pirkei Avos: Connecting the Tannaim With Their Lessons


Please find a link to a Pirkei Avos series on This unique series connecting the Tennaim to their lessons are given by Rabbi Shlomo Schwartz based on the wonderful sefer he has authored on the subject.

Find samples of his sefer related to this week's Avos Perek 3 here.

To share feedback or inquire about the sefer, please email


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Maseches Shekalim Starts Tomorrow!

Maseches Shekalim Starts Tomorrow!


Click the link below to get your FREE Artscroll Mishnayos
Download the FREE All Mishnah app!  or visit


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Sotah 23B:  Watching Our Words

Sotah 23B: Watching Our Words


We invite you to watch this two-minute video by Rabbi Mordechai Raizman, Executive Director of Associated Talmud Torahs (ATT) Chicago, discussing a lesson we learn from this week's dafim to share at the Shabbos table.


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