Thursday, April 20, 2023

Fwd: New from Rabbi Brodt; Rabbi Shlomo Schwartz & Special Sponsorship Opportunity

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From: All Torah <>
Date: Thu, Apr 20, 2023, 4:23 PM
Subject: New from Rabbi Brodt; Rabbi Shlomo Schwartz & Special Sponsorship Opportunity
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NEW! Nazir Shimshon - Controversy of 1513

NEW! Nazir Shimshon - Controversy of 1513


Although Maeseches Nazir ended a few weeks ago, please enjoy this fascinating episode on the controversy surrounding Nazir Shimshon of 1513 by Rabbi Dr. Eliezer Brodt.

All Rabbi Brodt's podcasts are available on All Daf, All Parsha, All Mishnah, YouTube, and everywhere you get your podcasts!


Watch Now
Yerushalmi Sponsorship Opportunity

Yerushalmi Sponsorship Opportunity


Dear fellow All Torah users,

Baruch Hashem, since November 2022, over 10,000 people have joined All Daf to learn Talmud Yerushalmi with the new Yerushalmi Daf Yomi machzor.

We are proud to host fantastic shiurim from three venerated magidei shiurim; Rabbi Shalom Rosner, Rabbi Chaim Aryeh Zev Ginzburg and Rabbi Zecharia Reznick.

A special thank you to the Elman family of Baltimore, MD for sponsoring Maseches Berachos and an anonymous family in Eretz Yisroel for sponsoring Maseches Peah. We thank them and wish them much Berocha and Hatzlocha!

A unique opportunity has opened to sponsor the next masechta, Maseches Demai. The masechta begins Sunday April 30 and runs for 77 Dafim.

The sponsorship will be displayed on our platform and incorporated into the shiurim.

Please reach out if this is something you'd consider or even take a part in supporting the next few months of Talmud Yerushalmi learning on All Daf.

Click Here to contact me for dedication opportunities.

Wishing you all continued success in your learning,
Rabbi Moshe Schwed
Director, All Torah


Pirkei Avos: Connecting the Tannaim With Their Lessons

Pirkei Avos: Connecting the Tannaim With Their Lessons


Please find a link to a Pirkei Avos series on

This unique series connecting the Tennaim to their lessons are given by Rabbi Shlomo Schwartz based on the beautiful sefer he has authored on the subject.

Find attached samples of his sefer here.

To share feedback or acquire about the sefer, please email



View The Series

CLICK HERE: Free Artscroll Maseches Shkalim

CLICK HERE: Free Artscroll Maseches Shkalim
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