Thursday, May 4, 2023

Fwd: 100 Years; Dairy-Free Hershey's; Got a Question?

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From: Shabbat Shalom <>
Date: Thu, May 4, 2023, 6:44 PM
Subject: 100 Years; Dairy-Free Hershey's; Got a Question?
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OU Hosts Ambassador Thomas R. Nides
OU Hosts Ambassador Thomas R. Nides
Orthodox Union

Strong U.S. support of Israel is something greatly appreciated by American Jewry, and it was an honor to host Ambassador Thomas R. Nides at the OU headquarters in New York, where he met with OU Leadership.

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Hundreds in Harrisburg at Teach PA Mission
Hundreds in Harrisburg at Teach PA Mission
Teach PA

Teach PA brought hundreds of Jewish day school and yeshiva students and community leaders to Harrisburg to advocate for the commonwealth's Jewish day schools.

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PARSHAT EMOR May 5-6, 2023 / 15 Iyar 5783


HAFTARAH Ezekiel 44:15-32


SPECIAL DAYS Pesach Sheini is celebrated on Friday, May 5. Lag B'Omer is celebrated on Tuesday, May 9.

Around the OU
A Happy and Kosher 100th Birthday
A Happy and Kosher 100th Birthday
Yoni Kempinski

OU Kosher CEO Rabbi Menachem Genack and COO Rabbi Moshe Elefant speak about OU's longstanding success and the future of the organization.

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Got a Question?
Got a Question?
Orthodox Union

Your one-stop Jewish helpdesk for all non-emergency questions related to personal, family, and community life.

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Teach NYS Interfaith Coalition Visits Albany
Teach NYS Interfaith Coalition Visits Albany
Teach NYS

In a historic first, Jewish, Catholic and Islamic nonpublic school representatives united as one voice with Teach NYS at the New York State Capitol to lobby for an increase in nonpublic school funding and resources.

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Watch: Wine, or Wine Not?
Watch: Wine, or Wine Not?
Kashrus Awareness

Rabbi Nachum Rabinowitz, senior rabbinic coordinator at OU Kosher, clarifies for us the differences between yayin nesech and stam yeinam.

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What Makes Us Human?
What Makes Us Human?
Rabbi Netanel Wiederblank

While artificial intelligence may be new, the question of what makes us human is not.

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Are You Doing Something About Jewish Affordability?
Are You Doing Something About Jewish Affordability?
Impact Accelerator

Application closes this Monday, May 8. Last chance to take your startup nonprofit to the next level!

Apply Today
Let Them Know!
Let Them Know!
Teach NYS

Please take the time to thank your NYS senators, assemblymembers, and Albany leadership today for the newly passed NYS budget that includes record funding for day schools, yeshivot and all nonpublic schools.

Thank Your NYS Legislators
Coming of Sage: How We Matter as Parents and Grandparents
Coming of Sage: How We Matter as Parents and Grandparents

On Tuesday, May 9, Shifra Novograd will discuss how to communicate your legacy with wit, warmth and wisdom.

Register Now
Sefirah Chart
Sefirah Chart
Orthodox Union

Download the 2023/5783 Sefirah chart and sign up for the daily email reminders.

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Counting Toward Sinai
Counting Toward Sinai
Women's Initiative

In honor of Israel's 75th anniversary, hear 35 unique perspectives on Shemoneh Esrei from educators living in the land of Israel.

Register Now
The Story of Acher
The Story of Acher
Rabbi Shlomo Schwartz

What contributed to Elisha ben Avuya going astray?

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Chesed in Waterbury
Chesed in Waterbury
Torah Live

Be inspired by this amazing true story of schoolboys who founded an organization dedicated solely to performing acts of chesed. For children young and old!

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Emor and Lag B'Omer – Merging Heaven and Earth
Emor and Lag B'Omer – Merging Heaven and Earth
Rabbi Moshe Hauer

While in other faiths the men of the cloth preside over death and dying by administering last rites, the priestly class of Klal Yisrael – the kohanim – were to avoid even being in the same room as the dead and dying.

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Torah Initiatives Parsha Trivia Challenge
Torah Initiatives Parsha Trivia Challenge
Rabbi Yitzy Fox

Have fun and learn the parsha like never before with these challenging parsha trivia questions! You'll find them perfect for both review and Shabbos-table discussion!

Read Trivia Questions
When to Say, or Not to Say, Shehechiyanu
When to Say, or Not to Say, Shehechiyanu
Rabbi Menachem Genack

Why don't we recite shehechiyanu on the mitzvah of sefirat ha'omer? And why don't we recite it upon getting married?

Read in Hebrew
Interpreting the Commandments
Interpreting the Commandments
Senator Joe Lieberman

Interpretation of the Torah's laws by scholars and rabbis allows for the Torah to be as vibrant and relevant as it is today.

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Have We Given in to Paganism?
Have We Given in to Paganism?
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz

Have we adopted the terminology of ancient enemies? Is that disrespectful to those who fought to preserve our mesorah?

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Holy Times
Holy Times
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztz"l

Parshat Emor is striking in that it includes Shabbat in the list of the festivals. This would not be strange in itself. What is strange is the way it speaks about Shabbat.

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Becoming a Kohen
Becoming a Kohen
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

In every group, there is one person who stands out as special.

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Kohanim Laws Are for All of Us
Kohanim Laws Are for All of Us
Mrs. Shira Hochheimer

How the laws of kohanim relate to each and every Jew.

Listen Now
Pesach Sheini: Again, From Close

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