Thursday, May 18, 2023

Fwd: Appliances Delivered on Shabbat; The Codex Sassoon; NYC Mayor Adams on Yeshiva Ed

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From: Shabbat Shalom <>
Date: Thu, May 18, 2023, 5:09 PM
Subject: Appliances Delivered on Shabbat; The Codex Sassoon; NYC Mayor Adams on Yeshiva Ed
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The Inside Story of the Codex Sassoon
The Inside Story of the Codex Sassoon
Women's Initiative

Join the Women's Initiative tonight, May 18, at 8 PM EDT, for an exploration of the auction of the Codex Sassoon with Sotheby's New York Senior Judaica Consultant Sharon Liberman Mintz.

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PARSHAT BAMIDBAR May 19-20, 2023 / 29 Iyar 5783


HAFTARAH I Samuel 20:18-42, Machar Chodesh


THIS SHABBAT Mevarchim Hachodesh for the month of Sivan


SPECIAL DAYS Yom Yerushalayim is celebrated on Friday, May 19. Rosh Chodesh Sivan is celebrated on Sunday, May 21. Yom Hameyuchas is observed on Monday, May 22. The Shloshet Yemei Hagbala are observed from Tuesday, May 23, until Thursday evening, May 25. Shavuot begins Thursday night, May 25, and is celebrated through Shabbat, May 27.

Around the OU
Watch: We Need to Be Duplicating What You Are Achieving
Watch: "We Need to Be Duplicating What You Are Achieving"
Teach NYS

NYC Mayor Eric Adams shared his support for yeshiva education at the Teach NYS dinner last week.

Watch on YouTube
Watch: There Aren't Many Places That Take in Kids
Watch: There Aren't Many Places That Take in Kids
OU Israel

The Pearl and Harold Jacobs Zula Outreach Center helps more than 4,500 youth on an annual basis to stand on their feet and shine on their path of personal growth and development.

Watch on YouTube
Watch: For Women at Every Age and Every Stage of Life
Watch: For Women at Every Age and Every Stage of Life
The Jewish Link

Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman discusses the Women's Initiative's recent leadership summit, the wildly successful Nach Yomi series, and the anticipation of many more exciting programs in the near future on this week's episode of The Jewish Link Pitch Meeting.

Watch on YouTube
Last Call: Kashrus Education Program for Women
Last Call: Kashrus Education Program for Women
OU Kosher

Join OU Kosher on July 31-August 3 for a live, daytime-only program in NYC for a behind-the-scenes kashrus experience.

Apply Now
Pre-Shavuos Program and Siyum Maseches Sotah
Pre-Shavuos Program and Siyum Maseches Sotah
All Daf

Hear OU EVP Rabbi Moshe Hauer and OU Kosher COO Rabbi Moshe Elefant speak at All Daf's siyum on Sunday, May 21, at the Young Israel of the West Side in Manhattan.

More Information
Rosh Chodesh Sivan Lunch 'n Learn with Rebbetzin Rachel Yaghobian
Rosh Chodesh Sivan Lunch 'n Learn with Rebbetzin Rachel Yaghobian
Women's Initiative

Join the Women's Initiative on Sunday, May 21, to hear new ideas and gain a deeper understanding of Shavuot and talmud Torah.

Register Now
Shavuot With OU Israel
Shavuot With OU Israel
OU Israel

Join OU Israel for a night of Torah learning on leil Shavuot with Rabbi Moshe Hauer, Rabbi Yaakov Kermaier, Rabbi Dr. Aaron Adler, Rabbi Sam Shor and Rabbi Aaron Goldscheider.

More Information
Rabbi Hauer will be giving a special lecture in the Old City on leil Shavuot.
Artificial Intelligence: The Newest Revolution in Torah Study?
Artificial Intelligence: The Newest Revolution in Torah Study?
Jewish Action Magazine

There are many different areas in which AI can revolutionize Torah study and, in fact, already has.

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Shavuot Ideas and Inspiration
Shavuot Ideas and Inspiration
Women's Initiative

The Women's Initiative's Shavuot Ideas and Inspiration program includes presentations from Mrs. Hava Preil, Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman and Mrs. Michal Horowitz.

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Mistakes of His Predecessors
Mistakes of His Predecessors
Rabbi Shlomo Schwartz

Find out what affected the life teachings and outlook of Rebbe Elazar Ben Shamua.

Watch Now
Torah Live

Go under the sea in search of the elusive chilazon in this exciting and informative video for the whole family!

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More Than Turning a Page
More Than Turning a Page
Rabbi Moshe Hauer

Another spring season, another round of hostilities and missile storms unsettling the lives of millions of our brothers and sisters in Israel.

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Torah Initiatives Parsha Trivia Challenge
Torah Initiatives Parsha Trivia Challenge
Rabbi Yitzy Fox

Have fun and learn the parsha like never before with these challenging parsha trivia questions! You'll find them perfect for both review and Shabbos-table discussion!

Read Trivia Questions
The Inspiration of Mount Sinai
The Inspiration of Mount Sinai
Rabbi Menachem Genack

Why do we read parshat Bamidbar before the holiday of Shavuot?

Read in Hebrew
On the Look-Out
On the Look-Out
Rabbi Norman Lamm zt"l

Holiness is wrested from God by the sweat of the brow and the mighty wrangling of the heart.

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Judaism and Christianity—Part 1
Judaism and Christianity—Part 1
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz

More real-life Q&A! Do Jews fold their napkins? Do we censor the Book of Isaiah? May non-Jews keep Shabbos?

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The Sound of Silence
The Sound of Silence
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztz"l

Just as the wilderness is free – it costs nothing to enter – so too the Torah is free. It is God's gift to us.

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Can You Allow an Appliance Delivery on Shabbat or Yom Tov?
Can You Allow an Appliance Delivery on Shabbat or Yom Tov?

Ding dong! "Here's your new stove!" "I wasn't expecting Saturday delivery!" Can you let them install it or must you send them away?

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An Ode to the Desert
An Ode to the Desert
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

We were exhausted, burned out. We felt that we needed a break.

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Preparations for Continuing Towards the Land of Israel
Preparations for Continuing Towards the Land of Israel
Mrs. Amy Horowitz

The Jewish people continue their preparations to journey towards the Land of Israel.

Listen Now
Symbolism of Sand
Symbolism of Sand
Rabbi Shalom Rosner

In the haftarah that is usually read with parshat Bamidbar, the opening pasuk compares the number of people who make up Am Yisrael to the sand by the sea.

Read More in Torah Tidbits

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