Thursday, May 4, 2023

Fwd: It’s not too late…

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From: Sichos in English <>
Date: Thu, May 4, 2023, 6:16 PM
Subject: It's not too late…
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Pesach Sheini, 5783 — May 4, 2023
Year of Hakhel

Hi Chana,

Have you ever felt like you've missed the boat? Watched an opportunity slip through your fingers? Or perhaps passed up on something and now the moment is lost?

Well, tonight is Pesach Sheni, the day celebrating second chances. Even when a situation appears bleak or unrectifiable, it can be corrected.

In the spirit of this wondrous day acknowledging the revolutionary power of humanity, to err yet make amends, Sichos in English is sharing the Pesach Sheini excerpt from Sparking a Revolution, a revamped edition of the Proceeding Together series which relays the Rebbe's pioneering talks from 5710-5711.

In this Pesach Sheini feature, the Rebbe addresses chassidim on how hiskashrus still applies despite the Rebbe Rayatz's passing several months prior. Although there were chassidim who had not met with the Rebbe Rayatz in person or perhaps had not utilized their chances to deepen their connection, the Rebbe assures the chassidim that the Pesach Sheini message rings true: It is never too late.

This farbrengen also discusses several other ideas and culminates with the Rebbe enlightening chassidim about the power of takanos set by the Rebbe Rayatz. Like its linguistic definition, a takanah set by a Rebbe serves to rectify an element of the world that requires fixing.

This is especially relevant to us today as chassidim have recently embarked on the journey of renewing their commitment to studying Rambam, a takanah of the Rebbe, and their studies are sure to impact the world. And as the Rebbe notes in this sichah, when one fulfills the Rebbe's directives, the Rebbe will surely find a way to reward them, "for the Rebbe never remains in debt."
May our Pesach Sheini studies help each and every one of us take the above messages to heart, inspiring growth and advancement in all areas of our lives, particularly in the area of hiskashrus.

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