Thursday, May 18, 2023

Fwd: Siyum Sotah This Sunday!

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From: All Daf <>
Date: Thu, May 18, 2023, 5:53 PM
Subject: Siyum Sotah This Sunday!
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All Daf
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THIS SUNDAY! Siyum Sotah

THIS SUNDAY! Siyum Sotah


The Upper West Community in conjunction with All Torah and OU Kosher invites you to a Pre-Shavuos event and Siyum Maseches Sotah on Sunday, May, 21 at Young Israel of West Side.

Sunday, May 21st, 9:15-10:30 AM

YI of West Side

210 W 91 St, New York, NY



NEW! Gittin Throughout The Ages

NEW! Gittin Throughout The Ages


Watch a brand new episode on Maseches Gittin from Rabbi Dr. Eliezer Brodt. Lots of interesting information on Rishonim achronim, contemporary seforim, and more.

This episode is sponsored in honor of Daf Yomi with Shaul C. Greenwald, a fast-moving energetic daf shiur, delivered with clarity and intensity.

The shiur moves swiftly through the daf, while still managing to explain the difficult portions of the sugya. The shiur is available daily on All Daf, as well as all podcast platforms.

NOTICE: We are aware that the Rabbi Dr. Eliezer Brodt podcast on Spotify is not working on Android phones. We have reached out to Spotify and they are working on correcting the issue.


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Faith After Faith - Rabbi Dovid Bashevkin

Faith After Faith - Rabbi Dovid Bashevkin


Faith after Faith

In his essay, originally published for Tablet, Rabbi Dovid Bashevkin – our friend and colleague – explains what meseches Sotah can teach us about rebuilding trust.


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 NEW FEATURE: Quick Switch Bar NEW FEATURE: Quick Switch Bar

NEW FEATURE: Quick Switch Bar NEW FEATURE: Quick Switch Bar


After much user feedback, we added a 'Quick Switch' bar to quickly switch back and forth from Daf Yomi to our fast-growing Yerushalmi platform.


COMING SOON! Oraysa on All Daf

COMING SOON! Oraysa on All Daf


We are looking forward to officially launching the Oraysa section of All Daf for the commencement of Maseches Rosh Hashana which begins Thursday, May 25th.

We will have the Oraysa content, plus many of our shiurim programmed and divided by the Amud for the Oraysa cycle. Stay tuned for more information about this launch.

For general information about the Oraysa program please visit their website at


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Maseches Gittin

Maseches Gittin


Enjoy this informative mesechta overview of Maseches Gittin presented by Daf Hachaim.


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Sotah 49B: Sotah Knowing Your Place

Sotah 49B: Sotah Knowing Your Place


We invite you to watch this two-minute video by Rabbi Mordechai Raizman, Executive Director of Associated Talmud Torahs (ATT) Chicago, discussing a lesson we learn from this week's dafim to share at the Shabbos table.


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