Thursday, May 4, 2023

Fwd: Understanding the Moadim

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Date: Thu, May 4, 2023, 6:02 PM
Subject: Understanding the Moadim
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New! YUTorah Parsha Roundup for Emor

Yeshiva University

Center for the Jewish Future

Parshat Emor 5783

Download the newest edition of the YUTorah in Print for Parshat Emor

with 17 pages of recently uploaded Torah articles to print out for your Shabbat table.

Click here to see all previous editions of YUTorah in Print for Parshat Emor

Learn about the Parsha

Topics from Emor
The Messages of Sefiras Ha'Omer

What does this week's parsha teach us about the laws and lessons of the period of counting the Omer?

Browse the Shiurim
The Holiness of the Kohen

What makes the kohanim so special that they have a whole separate set of laws associated with them?

Browse the Shiurim
The Mekalel

How do we understand the tragedy at the end of this week's parsha?

Browse the Shiurim

New This Week

Recent Shiurim on Emor
Rabbi Yaakov Abramovitz: It's (Not) About Time
Rabbi Elchanan Adler: Two Aspects of the Korbanos of Shavuos
Rabbi Chaim Brovender: Why Curse?
Rabbi Avishai David: Kedushas Kehuna and its Hashkafic Consequences
Rabbi Daniel Z. Feldman: The Many Messages of the Omer
Rabbi Joel Finkelstein: The Episodic And The Constant
Rabbi Yonatan Shai Freedman: When did Rosh Hashanah become the Yom Hadin?
Rabbi Daniel Fridman: The Singular Role of Parents in Chinuch
Morah Stacey Goldman: From Pesach to Shavuot, From Fate to Destiny
Rabbi Efrem Goldberg: Extreme Personalities
Rabbi Yamin Goldsmith: What's Your Connection?
Rabbi Dovid Gottlieb: Influencing Others and Ourselves
Rabbi Dovid Hirsch: Bringing Middos Tovos Into the Beis Medrash
Rabbi Eliakim Koenigsberg: What's in a Name?
Mrs. Emma Katz:

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