Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Fw: HTC Debuts Centennial Book - Order your copy today!

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From: "HTC" <htcnews@htc.edu>
To: "mates57564@aol.com" <mates57564@aol.com>
Sent: Tue, Jun 13, 2023 at 7:11 PM
Subject: HTC Debuts Centennial Book - Order your copy today!
June 13, 2023

Dear Alumni and Friends,

We are continually inspired by the energy and emotion that filled our campus. At the end of our Gala we debuted our historic Centennial Book for our donors and attendees. If you did not pick up your copy or would like to request one, please click below to order.


Rabbi Shmuel L. Schuman
Please enjoy a short recap video of the HTC100 Gala and well as all the videos and pictures from our Centennial Gala!
HTC Publishes Centennial Book

HTC is thrilled to release a beautiful Centennial Book in honor of HTC's 100th year. This 600 page work, includes over 1,500 pictures and hundreds of alumni recollections. Thank you to everyone who submitted pictures and memories.

Read more
HTC Hosts LiveTalk with Rabbi Berel Wein

On Sunday, June 4th, HTC held a Live Talk online with Rabbi Berel Wein (HTC '56). Rabbi Wein spoke about "Building a Torah Community in Chicago and Beyond". 

Rabbi Wein's LiveTalk was sponsored L'Zeicher Nishmas Rabbi Joseph Renov Z"L, Rav Yosef Ben Eliyahu, our beloved Musmach from 1944 who made a lasting impact on Klal Yisroel.

This dedication was made possible by his son, Mr. Kalman Renov, our proud alumnus from the class of 1969.

Click here to view replay.
On May 29-30, alumni and friends participated in our 36-hour HTC100 CauseMatch Campaign. The campaign website is still open!

You can continue to partner with us to secure HTC's next century of learning, teaching, and leading, and invest in the next generation of Jewish leaders. Visit htc.edu/give to donate to our most important fundraiser of the year.
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