Thursday, June 29, 2023

Fwd: Does your child own a letter in a sefer Torah?

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From: Sichos in English <>
Date: Thu, Jun 29, 2023, 10:51 AM
Subject: Does your child own a letter in a sefer Torah?
To: <>

10 Tammuz, 5783 — June 29, 2023
Year of Hakhel

In Nissan 5741, the Year of Hakhel, following the successful launch of Tzivos Hashem, which united Jewish children as fellow soldiers in the 'Army of Hashem,' the Rebbe introduced a groundbreaking new campaign. In a special bid to unite the children by means of the Torah in a tangible way, the Rebbe urged every Jewish child to purchase their very own letter in a special children's sefer Torah. Chassidim rushed to fulfill the Rebbe's directive, and the Torah was completed within a mere four months. The Rebbe instructed that it not be a one-time undertaking; another sefer Torah should follow for the additional children being born.

Now, 42 years later, in the Year of Hakhel, the writing of the 8th Children's Sefer Torah is well underway. As the writing of this Torah nears completion, the goal is to celebrate the hachnasas sefer Torah by 20 Av, the yahrzeit of R. Levi Yitzchak, the Rebbe's father. 

Accompanying this worldwide endeavor, Sichos in English is pleased to present the original essay which was prepared in 5741 to transmit this new campaign of the Rebbe to Yidden worldwide. Clarifying the unifying effect achieved through a children's sefer Torah, the Rebbe encouraged the direct involvement of the children and the need to include those near and far. He explained the significance of the place where it is written, and issued specific instructions regarding the design of the certificates the children would receive.

Learn, live, and share the Rebbe's words and message by clicking here

Every letter in a sefer Torah is immeasurably precious. If even one is missing, the Torah remains incomplete. Spread the word and ensure that this Shnas Hakhel, no Jewish child is missing!

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