Thursday, June 22, 2023

Fwd: Ecstatic Love of G‑d

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Date: Thu, Jun 22, 2023, 5:35 PM
Subject: Ecstatic Love of G‑d
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The Jewish people finally accepted the Divinely ordained distinction between the priests and the Levites, on the one hand, and the lay peop
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Daily Wisdom

The Jewish people finally accepted the Divinely ordained distinction between the priests and the Levites, on the one hand, and the lay people, on the other. However, they then complained that since entering designated areas of the Tabernacle compound was a capital offense for non-Levites, they were constantly exposed to the danger of death. G‑d, therefore, made the priests and Levites responsible for keeping non-Levites from entering off-limit areas.

In the course of describing the priests' duties, G‑d instructed Moses to tell the priests,] "I have given your priesthood [to you] as a gift of service." (Numbers 18:7)

We see here that there is a level of relationship with G‑d that we cannot achieve on our own; it can only be given to us by G‑d as a gift. This wondrous state is referred to in the Song of Songs (King Solomon's poetic description of the love between G‑d and the Jewish people) as "a love of delights," and is likened by the Talmudic sages to the pleasure of G‑dly revelation that awaits us in the afterlife.

This ecstatic love of G‑d was felt by the priests regularly, but inasmuch as the entire Jewish people is "a kingdom of priests and a holy nation," we can all aspire to this rapturous love of G‑d, at least occasionally.

Fire and Ink

Fire and Ink

Selected Correspondence Between Chaim Grade and the Rebbe

By Eli Rubin


Three Natural Miracles

Three Natural Miracles

On Shabbat, Tammuz 3, 5751 (June 15, 1991), the Lubavitcher Rebbe spoke about the paradox of "natural miracles," citing three examples of this phenomenon—one from the day's Torah reading of Korach, and two which occurred on this date: Aaron's blossoming staff, Joshua's stopping of the sun, and the collapse of the Soviet Communist regime.

Based on the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe



"He, Too, Is Alive"

Torah expects a tzaddik to not be satisfied with his own righteousness; his mission is to influence his fellow Jews to follow G‑d's path, and to help them become in turn sources of inspiration to others as well.

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Watch (6:30)


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Letter No. 1014:

From correspondence of the Lubavitcher Rebbe; translated by Eli Touger

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