Thursday, June 1, 2023

Fwd: HaRav Gershon Edelstein zt”l; Chassidus in Relationships; Women's Summit Video Recap

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Date: Thu, Jun 1, 2023, 5:19 PM
Subject: HaRav Gershon Edelstein zt"l; Chassidus in Relationships; Women's Summit Video Recap
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Watch Recap: The OU Women's Initiative Lay Leadership Summit
Watch Recap: The OU Women's Initiative Lay Leadership Summit
Women's Initiative

The OU Women's Initiative hosted a Lay Leadership Summit in early May, in which women engaged in innovative sessions with leaders, learned practical skills and developed their personal leadership style. Session topics ranged from how to run a meeting to how to fundraise to how to build a great team.

Watch Video Recap

PARSHAT NASO June 2-3, 2023 / 14 Sivan 5783


HAFTARAH Judges 13:2-25

Around the OU
OU Mourns the Passing of HaRav Gershon Edelstein ztl
OU Mourns the Passing of HaRav Gershon Edelstein zt"l
Orthodox Union

Rav Gershon was recognized as the preeminent leader of the Haredi community in Israel and served as the Rosh Hayeshiva of the Ponevezh Yeshiva in Bnei Brak, where he taught for more than seventy years.

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Teach Coalition Names Michael (Avi) Helfand, Prominent Legal Scholar and Religious Liberty Advocate, as Senior Legal Advisor
Teach Coalition Names Michael (Avi) Helfand, Prominent Legal Scholar and Religious Liberty Advocate, as Senior Legal Advisor
Teach Coalition

In his role with Teach Coalition, Professor Helfand will serve as a critical guide, providing legal expertise on matters related to education, religious freedom and civil rights.

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Rabbi Moshe Hauer in Riverdale this Shabbat
Rabbi Moshe Hauer in Riverdale this Shabbat
Orthodox Union

Join Rabbi Hauer in Riverdale, NY, this Shabbat at the Riverdale Jewish Center and the Young Israel of Riverdale.

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OU-JLIC's Mission to Romania
OU-JLIC's Mission to Romania

A week before Shavuot, OU-JLIC Tel Aviv posed an unexpected question to its community of young Jewish professionals: would anyone be interested in forgoing the city's robust holiday social scene in favor of visiting an orphanage in Romania? It turns out they would.

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Post-Trump, Gaffes Matter Less
Post-Trump, Gaffes Matter Less
Maury Litwack

Trump has fundamentally changed the game for candidates, and what was considered a "lethal mistake" nearly two decades ago is now quickly forgotten, if noticed at all.

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Engaging OU Women at Every Stage
Engaging OU Women at Every Stage
Elizabeth Kratz

Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman was once recognized—some may call it celebrity-spotted—on a New York City subway, not by her name, but by a single program she helped develop as director of the OU Women's Initiative.

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Women's Initiative ALIT Virtual Summer Beit Midrash Program
Women's Initiative ALIT Virtual Summer Beit Midrash Program
Women's Initiative

Join the OU Women's Initiative this summer for the ALIT virtual summer beit midrash program, which will take place July 10-20.

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NCSY Israel Giving Day
NCSY Israel Giving Day
NCSY Israel

Support NCSY Israel on June 6-7 in raising $120,000 for its continued growth. Generous donors will be matching every donation!

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The White House Plan to Counter Antisemitism
The White House Plan to Counter Antisemitism
Jewish Link

Moshe Kinderlehrer, publisher of the Jewish Link Media Group, spoke with OU Advocacy Executive Director Nathan Diament about the recent White House plan to combat antisemitism.

Watch on Instagram
OU's Israel Summer Programs Receive Multi-Million Dollar Grant
OU's Israel Summer Programs Receive Multimillion-Dollar Grant
Orthodox Union

A multimillion-dollar grant awarded by RootOne to the OU is enabling the organization to improve affordability and increase the number of participants and staff for two of its popular Israel experience programs this summer.

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One Thousand Community Leaders Attend OU Press' Launch of Book Featuring The Rav's Addresses
One Thousand Community Leaders Attend OU Press' Launch of Book Featuring The Rav's Addresses
OU Press

OU Press, together with Ktav Publishing House, recently published The Return to Zion: Addresses on Religious Zionism and American Orthodoxy, The Karasick Family Edition.

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Falling Down Is an Accident. Staying Down Is a Choice.
Falling Down Is an Accident. Staying Down Is a Choice.

Join SPIRIT on June 6, at noon EDT, for an in-depth review of the #1 medical alert system in the frum community, as recommended by Hatzolah and Bikur Cholim.

Register Now
Reb Yosi – What It Means to Be a Chassid
Reb Yosi – What It Means to Be a Chassid
Rabbi Shlomo Schwartz

How can one apply the attribute of chassidus to all relationships?

Watch Now
Torah Initiatives Parsha Trivia Challenge
Torah Initiatives Parsha Trivia Challenge
Rabbi Yitzy Fox

Have fun and learn the parsha like never before with these challenging parsha trivia questions! You'll find them perfect for both review and Shabbos-table discussion!

Read Trivia Questions
Not Just Praying for Peace
Not Just Praying for Peace
Rabbi Moshe Hauer

As Jews, we are often subject to attack and have had many seek to deny us the right and the ability to defend ourselves.

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Recognition of the Present and Vision for the Future
Recognition of the Present and Vision for the Future
Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik zt"l

The sanctification of the Land of Israel in the days of Ezra, which came about through daily, small-scale, unheroic, painstaking work, through disappointments and despair, intercession from the authorities, insults and humiliation – that remains forever.

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The Sanctity of Asher Yatzar
The Sanctity of Asher Yatzar
Rabbi Menachem Genack

What is the connection between the nazir and the blessing of asher yatzar?

Read in Hebrew
Judaism and Christianity — Conclusion
Judaism and Christianity — Conclusion
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz

A reader asks: "Am I an apostate?" Also, are rabbis concealing the Kidron Valley? Plus, "Tanach" vs. "OT" and more!

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From Despair to Hope
From Despair to Hope
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztz"l

The feeling of failure doesn't necessarily mean that you have failed. All it means is that you have not yet succeeded. Somehow, the knowledge that the greatest Jewish leader of all time experienced this is empowering.

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Uniformity and Uniqueness
Uniformity and Uniqueness
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

One of the interesting paradoxes of human life is our tendency to copy one another and to try to "fit in" with friends and acquaintances, while simultaneously trying to be distinct from others, and to be our "own person."

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The Unifying Message of Parshat Naso
The Unifying Message of Parshat Naso
Mrs. Amy Horowitz

Parshat Naso contains a diverse array of topics. What is the message that unifies them?

Listen Now

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