Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Fwd: Listen to OU Women’s Initiative Torat Imecha Parsha: Parshat Behaalotcha (Israel: Parshat Shlach)

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From: OU Women's Initiative <>
Date: Wed, Jun 7, 2023, 7:00 AM
Subject: Listen to OU Women's Initiative Torat Imecha Parsha: Parshat Behaalotcha (Israel: Parshat Shlach)
To: <>


Dedicated by Fran Broder, 
in memory of her mother, 
Glicka Creeger z"l, גליקא בת יאשיהו יוסף ז'ל
Her legacy continues to inspire her family

Learn the parsha cycle with the OU Women's Initiative
A weekly 10-15 minute audio shiur designed to fit any schedule

Mrs. Amy Horowitz





Click below to listen to this week's shiur on
Parshat Behaalotcha
with Mrs. Amy Horowitz

Listen Now

Click below to listen to a shiur on
Parshat Shlach (Israel)

Amy Horowitz studied English Literature at Stern College for Women and holds a Master's Degree in Education from NYU. Although she began her career as a copyeditor, Amy quickly discovered her passion for teaching Tanach, which she has done at Katz Yeshiva High School of South Florida for the past 19 years, also serving as Director of Girls Judaic Studies and Chairperson of the Tanach Department. At the OU Women's Initiative, Amy taught Sefer Yeshayahu to over 5,000 women worldwide as part of the Torat Imecha Nach Yomi program in addition to Rosh Chodesh Lunch 'N Learn. In addition to teaching high school students, Amy frequently teaches classes to the adult community in Boca Raton, FL, where she lives with her three children. 

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