Thursday, June 15, 2023

Fwd: Navigating Widowhood; Using Timers on Shabbat; Fall Prevention

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From: Shabbat Shalom <>
Date: Thu, Jun 15, 2023, 5:46 PM
Subject: Navigating Widowhood; Using Timers on Shabbat; Fall Prevention
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Navigating Widowhood in the Frum Community
Navigating Widowhood in the Frum Community
Merri Ukraincik

There is no universal experience of widowhood. Both in the immediacy of death and as the surviving spouse moves forward through his or her grief, mourning is too deeply personal, and painful, for it to be generic.

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PARSHAT SHELACH June 16-17, 2023 / 28 Sivan 5783


HAFTARAH Joshua 2:1-24


THIS SHABBAT Mevarchim Hachodesh for the month of Tammuz


SPECIAL DAYS Rosh Chodesh Tammuz is celebrated on Monday, June 19, through Tuesday, June 20.

Around the OU
First OU Advocacy Rabbinic Mission to DC
First OU Advocacy Rabbinic Mission to DC
OU Advocacy

Rabbis leading a dozen major Orthodox Jewish congregations traveled to the nation's capital to advocate on behalf of their communities and their priorities.

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Watch: Oklahoma Approves First Fully State-Funded Religious Charter School
Watch: Oklahoma Approves First Fully State-Funded Religious Charter School
Teach Coalition

Watch a recording of the recent webinar discussing an Oklahoma school board approval of the nation's first taxpayer-funded religious charter school.

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Rabbi Seth Mandel, ztl
Rabbi Seth Mandel, zt"l
Micha Berger

"It is ironic that right after you lose someone, something comes up that makes you realize how much you relied on them."

Read in the Jewish Link
Fall Prevention
Fall Prevention

On Tuesday, June 20, at 11:00 AM EDT, two physical therapists will teach about fall prevention, why it is important, common fall risk factors and ways to reduce your risk of falling, with an emphasis on how to modify your home to improve safety.

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Women's Initiative ALIT Virtual Summer Beit Midrash
Women's Initiative ALIT Virtual Summer Beit Midrash
Women's Initiative

Join the OU Women's Initiative this summer for the ALIT Virtual Summer Beit Midrash, which will take place July 10-20.

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Reb Yosi
Reb Yosi
Rabbi Shlomo Schwartz

Pirkei Avos teaches us a lesson on how to treat people even when having major differences with them.

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Using Timers on Shabbat and Yom Tov
Using Timers on Shabbat and Yom Tov
Rabbi Shimshon Nadel

What are the parameters of "pre-programming" melacha? Rabbi Nadel's new series on Torah and Technology continues to address timely and relevant topics.

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NEW SERIES: Dvar Haftorah
NEW SERIES: Dvar Haftorah
Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman

Connecting the dots, creating hope. Explore this week's haftorah with Rebbetzin Dr. Shmidman.

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On the Path to Our Destiny
On the Path to Our Destiny
Rabbi Moshe Hauer

The story of the spies abruptly interrupted the march of Jewish history from Egypt to Eretz Yisrael.

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A Tale of Two Sins
A Tale of Two Sins
Rabbi Shmuel Goldin

Our tradition sees Yom Kippur and Tisha B'Av as connected, but how? What can be learned from the comparison and contrast of these two fast days?

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Repairing the Sin
Repairing the Sin
Rabbi Menachem Genack

How does the mitzvah of tzitzit repair the sin of the spies?

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Questions About God—Part 1
Questions About God—Part 1
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz

Why do we refer to God as "He"? What does it mean to know His name? And how do we know He's not trying to trick us? More real-life questions answered!

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Two Kinds of Fear
Two Kinds of Fear
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztz"l

The spies had personally witnessed God bringing Egypt, the mightiest empire of the time, to its knees. So how could ten of them come back with a demoralizing, defeatist report?

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The Blue Above the White
The Blue Above the White
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

"It may not sound like much of a story to you, but to me it was meaningful at many levels. I've heard the story three times now, each time from a different person."

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Right Versus Wrong Is Not Always Simple
Right Versus Wrong Is Not Always Simple
Mrs. Amy Horowitz

The Jewish people learn the hard way that determining what's good and right vs. what's bad and wrong is not simple.

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Which Three Mitzvos...
Which Three Mitzvos...
Rabbi Yitzy Fox

…does Rashi equate with all other mitzvos? This and other challenging questions will enhance your parsha review and Shabbos table discussion!

Check It Out!
Noteworthy Names
Noteworthy Names
Rebbetzin Shira Smiles

A name is the greatest treasure one can ever receive. A person's name in our physical world parallels the essence of his soul found in heaven.

Read More in Torah Tidbits
Must One Separate Challah When Making Gluten-Free Bread?
Must One Separate Challah When Making Gluten-Free Bread?
Halacha Yomis

"I made gluten-free bread dough with one pound of oat flour and four pounds of rice flour. Must I separate challah for this bread? Also, how much of this bread must I eat to recite Birkas Hamazon?"

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Featured Books
Echoes of Eden: Sefer B'midbar
Echoes of Eden: Sefer B'midbar
OU Press

Explore Sefer B'mibar in Rabbi Ari Kahn's Echoes of Eden. Discover a breathtaking dimension of originality and profundity, and gain new insights, both rigorous and creative, into the stories you thought you knew so well.

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The Concise Code of Jewish Law: A Guide to the Observance of Shabbat
The Concise Code of Jewish Law: A Guide to the Observance of Shabbat
OU Press

Responding to a perceived need for our generation, The Concise Code of Jewish Law by Rabbi Gersion Appel is a modern and up-to-date work of halachah lema'aseh, presented in a user-friendly format.

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Teach Coalition Positions
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All OU Positions
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