Thursday, June 29, 2023

Fwd: New Episode From Rabbi Brodt and All Kosher Moments!

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From: All Torah <>
Date: Thu, Jun 29, 2023, 5:49 PM
Subject: New Episode From Rabbi Brodt and All Kosher Moments!
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All Torah
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Just Released! The Chazon Ish Using New Rishonim Published from Manuscripts, Pt. 2

Just Released!
The Chazon Ish Using New Rishonim Published from Manuscripts, Pt. 2


This episode was sponsored L'ilui Nishmas Moshe Chaim ben Yitzchok Dovid.

In this episode, we discuss the following:

  • Theories about why the Chazon Ish was anti-manuscripts
  • The case of a forged Gaonic work
  • Shu"t Shaarei Teshuvah
  • Aruch L'Ner & Klausenberger Rebbe about relying on the teshuvah of Geonim
  • Aderet, R' Chaim Berlin, & forgeries
  • Letters of R' Dessler about the Chazon Ish
  • Chazon Ish & Rabbenu Chananel
  • The history of the publishing of Rabbenu Chananel

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What Is The #1 Question That The OU Kosher Hotline Receives?

What Is The #1 Question That The OU Kosher Hotline Receives?


Watch this short two-minute video with Rabbi Nussbaum about the most common question asked to the OU Kosher hotline.


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Join Today! All Mishnah 7 Over 4

Join Today!
All Mishnah 7 Over 4


We are excited to announce a new Mishnah Yomi contest. Beginning with Maseches Succah, you can complete 7 masechtos in just 4 months.

Learn by yourself, with a friend, parent, or with a child. Register just one time, and at the completion of each masechta you will automatically be entered into a contest to win a $100 gift card of your choice for either Amazon, Visa, or Artscroll.
Use the All Mishnah app calendar to easily keep track of your progress.

This is a wonderful opportunity to add 3-5 minutes of Torah learning to your day and make a Siyum, on average, every 3 weeks. Click the link below and join the contest today!


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New! Delving Deeper on All Parsha

New! Delving Deeper
on All Parsha



Embark on an Adventure with Delving Deeper!
Chassidus & Parsha is a new, captivating series brought to you by OU's All Parsha in collaboration with The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute (JLI).

Enjoy a weekly dose of bite-sized episodes full of insights exploring intriguing ideas and pressing practical issues. Join us as we uncover the hidden gems of Chassidus and delve into the depths of the parsha.

This week: Rabbi Yitzchok Schochet

Executive Director of Chabad at Stanford University


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Join All Parsha Clips

Join All Parsha Clips


Join the new WhatsApp Community for exclusive clips from your favorite shiurim on All Parsha!


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Pirkei Avos: Connecting the Tannaim With Their Lessons

Pirkei Avos:
Connecting the Tannaim with their Lessons


This unique series by Rabbi Shlomo Schwartz, based on the beautiful sefer he authored on the subject, connects the Tannaim with their lessons.
Click the link below to watch the series.

Find attached samples of his sefer here.

To share feedback or inquire about the sefer, please email


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