Thursday, June 15, 2023

Fwd: NEW SERIES- Delving Deeper; Chazon Ish on Manuscripts

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From: All Torah <>
Date: Thu, Jun 15, 2023, 4:28 PM
Subject: NEW SERIES- Delving Deeper; Chazon Ish on Manuscripts
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All Torah
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JUST RELEASED! The Chazon Ish using New Reshonim Published from Manuscripts

The Chazon Ish using New Rishonim Published from Manuscripts


This episode was sponsored L'ilui Nishmas
Moshe Chaim ben Yitzchok Dovid z'l.

Topics discussed:

  • R' Chaim Zimmerman
  • Steipler and New Manuscripts
  • R' Kalman Kahana
  • Kovetz Igros Chazon Ish and Contradictions in his Writings
  • Sources for the Chazon Ish's Shitah
  • Dateline Controversy
  • Shiurim Controversy
  • Publishing of the Shaar Hamayim of the Rashba

Sponsorships email:


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NEW! Delving Deeper on All Parsha!

NEW! Delving Deeper on All Parsha:


Embark on an Adventure with Delving Deeper!
Chassidus & Parsha is a new, captivating series brought to you by OU's All Parsha in collaboration with The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute (JLI). Enjoy a weekly dose of bite-sized episodes full of insights exploring intriguing ideas and pressing practical issues. Join us as we uncover the hidden gems of Chassidus and delve into the depths of the parsha.

This week: Rabbi Manis Friedman
Executive Director of Bais Chana Institute of Jewish Studies in the Twin Cities, Minnesota

Watch Now
Siyum Demai Survey

Siyum Demai Survey


Upon the completion of Maseches Berachos, over 100 people had the opportunity to celebrate in person with Rabbi Rosner. Click here for the highlight video of the siyum graciously hosted by Chasia & Judd Bozcko in Woodmere.

As Maseches Demai in this new Yerushalmi cycle concludes, we'd like to gauge interest again in a live siyum with Rabbi Shalom Rosner in the North Jersey area. The siyum will tentatively be held on a weeknight on either Wednesday, July 12th, or Monday, July 17th.

Please respond to this brief survey to determine if this idea can become a reality.

Moshe Schwed
Director, All Torah


Take The Survey
Join All Parsha Clips!

Join All Parsha Clips!


Join the new WhatsApp Community for exclusive clips from your favorite shiurim on All Parsha!


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Ask Your Kosher Questions

Ask Your Kosher Questions


Tens of thousands have already enjoyed the first two episodes of All Kosher Moments.
Ask your questions to OU Kosher and we will feature them in an upcoming episode.


Submit Your Questions
Gitin 29b

Gitin 29b "A Good Messenger"


We invite you to watch this two-minute video by Rabbi Mordechai Raizman, Executive Director of Associated Talmud Torahs (ATT) Chicago, discussing a lesson we learn from this week's dafim to share at the Shabbos table.


Watch Now
Pirkei Avos: Connecting the Tannaim with their Lessons

Pirkei Avos: Connecting the Tannaim with their Lessons


This unique series by Rabbi Shlomo Schwartz, based on the beautiful sefer he authored on the subject, connects the Tannaim with their lessons.
Click the link below to watch the series.

Find attached samples of his sefer here.

To share feedback or inquire about the sefer, please email


get it on google app get it on app

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