Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel 1 Tamuz 5783/June 20, 2023

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From: The Agudah <news@agudah.org>
Date: Tue, Jun 20, 2023, 5:22 PM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel 1 Tamuz 5783/June 20, 2023
To: <agentemes4@gmail.com>

June 20, 2023 - 1 Tamuz 5783

In the News Today: Terror attack in Eretz Yisroel.. Over 150 attend YahalomNJ Fathers' Night Out... Florida... Episode two of the Agudah Live podcast... Bnos summer programing... Amsterdam... and upcoming events.

Agudath Israel Statement on Deadly Terror Attack in Eli

Agudath Israel of America is pained and horrified by the terror attack that took place today in Eli. Two Hamas terrorists opened fire on Israelis, killing four and injuring another four. 

May the One Above grant a complete and speedy recovery to those injured, and comfort the families of those killed.

A Heartwarming Evening of Connection and Empowerment: Over 150 Fathers Attend YahalomNJ Fathers' Night Out 

YahalomNJ, a division of Agudath Israel dedicated to supporting families with children with special needs, hosted a transformative Fathers' Night Out at Tomahawk Steakhouse. The event brought fathers together in a warm and inclusive atmosphere, providing a platform for sharing personal experiences and fostering a sense of unity.  

Click here or see below to continue reading.

Agudah's Florida office has been working for a few months together with Palm Beach County to arrange for a donation of unused Palm Trans minibuses to our schools. Following lots of paperwork, and a lot of waiting, this past week, Rabbi Avrohom Luban, associate director of Agudah's Florida office, and Rabbi Deon Nathan, executive director, Katz Hillel Day School of Boca Raton, went to see the minibuses and chose one for Katz Hillel Day School. B'ezras Hashem they will be receiving the bus in the coming weeks. 

What Your Child Needs From YOU Before Camp

with R' Armo Kuessous

Our children love camp. We love camp. It can be such a powerful time for our children to really develop. However, it's as important as ever to ensure our children are placed in the right environment.

In this week's episode, Rabbi Avi Schnall and Rabbi Shai Markowitz sit down with the legendary Rabbi Armo Kuessous, who is the Menahel of Yeshivat Shaare Torah in Brooklyn and has been the head counselor of Camp Romimu for over 30 years. 

We discuss the important conversations to have with children before camp, the balance of chinuch and competitiveness and a whole lot more.

Watch at: www.agudahlive.com

Have a question? Topic? Feedback?:

Please email us at info@agudahlive.com

You can now call in to listen to AgudahLive! 605.477.2101

Listen on your favorite podcast platform by searching "Agudah Live"

Bnos Agudas Yisroel Summer Pirkei Avos Program

Bnos Agudas Yisroel is excited to announce that their 8-week middos learning program based on Pirkei Avos is back for its second year with new features.

Click here or see below for more details and to get involved.

Rabbi Yitzchok Ehrman, COO of the Agudah, and Rabbi Naftali Miller, CDO of Agudah, at Kollel Rabbonim Rabbeinu Tzvi Ashkenazi in Amsterdam.

Tonight! PCS Agudas Yisroel Career Seminar

Career choices can be overwhelming. What are the most lucrative industries right now? What are the pros and cons of obtaining a degree? What are the growth opportunities in Lakewood businesses and beyond? How can one excel and maximize their potential?

Join the PCS Seminar and get the answers to your questions!

Speakers include: Deena Nahari, life coach/career counselor; Sara Zeit, life coach, Esther Bloch, project manager, Chorus; Shani Twersky, CPA, and Faigy Ort, PCS placement coordinator.

Free admission! Mothers and daughters welcome!

Sushi and salad bar

This Tuesday, June 20, 7:30 PM ET - 9:00 PM ET at PCS, 1771 Madison Ave.

For more information contact: 732-905-9700 ext. 618 or chani@nj.pcsjobs.org

To join remotely: email: chani@nj.pcsjobs.org

A Heartwarming Evening of Connection and Empowerment: Over 150 Fathers Attend YahalomNJ Fathers' Night Out; continued...

The evening commenced with a father who shared his personal journey of raising a child with special needs. The father's heartfelt account touched the hearts of everyone present, highlighting the unique challenges and triumphs experienced by fathers in similar situations. It served as a powerful reminder of the strength, love, and dedication exhibited by fathers caring for their children with special needs. 

Rabbi Sholom Kamenetsky, Rosh Yeshiva of the Yeshiva of Philadelphia, shared his own firsthand experiences of growing up with a sibling with special needs. He delved into the complexities, joys, and obstacles that accompany such a familial dynamic. Rabbi Kamenetsky offered profound insights into the role of parents in nurturing a supportive environment for their children, while recounting how his parents dealt with the situation. His inspiring words resonated deeply with the fathers in attendance, providing guidance, chizuk, and encouragement. 

Following the speeches, the fathers engaged in meaningful conversations, forming connections and providing mutual support. Many fathers stayed for over an hour after the event concluded, sharing their stories, exchanging advice, and fostering a genuine sense of camaraderie. The event provided a safe space for fathers to express themselves, gain valuable insights, and find comfort in the company of others who understand their journey. 

Reflecting on the impactful evening, one attending father expressed, "The Yahalom Fathers' Night Out was a transformative experience. Hearing the personal stories and wisdom shared by both the guest speaker and fellow fathers was incredibly empowering. It was comforting to know that I'm not alone on this journey and that there is a strong community of fathers supporting one another." 

Rabbi Avi Schnall, director of Agudah's NJ office, conveyed his gratitude to all the fathers in attendance, recognizing their unwavering commitment to their children with special needs. He stated, "The Yahalom Fathers' Night Out created an environment where fathers felt heard, understood, and uplifted. We are immensely grateful to have provided a platform for fathers to connect and draw strength from one another. Together, we can make a significant difference in the lives of our children." 

"We are thrilled to have witnessed the profound impact of the Yahalom Fathers' Night Out event. It provided fathers of children with special needs with a space to connect, share their journeys, and find strength in each other," said Mrs. Chana Laniado, Director of YahalomNJ. "The evening exemplified the power of community and the invaluable support that Yahalom offers to families. We remain committed to empowering and uplifting every member of our special needs community." 

Agudath Israel thanks Sholom Stein for his generous sponsorship of this event and his support for YahalomNJ.

YahalomNJ is headed by Mrs. Chana Laniado, who has over a decade's experience working with the special needs community. To contact Mrs. Laniado, please call 848-285-8444 or email claniado@agudah.org.

Bnos Agudas Yisroel Summer Pirkei Avos Program; continued...

Are you ready for some fun this summer? Better yet, how about some "fun with a purpose?"

Last year BH Bnos created an 8-week middos learning program based on Pirkei Avos. Day camps, sleepaway camps, and Bnos groups used the program for elementary school girls. The feedback was outstanding! Counselors and Bnos groups had meaningful activities to fill the long summer Shabbos afternoons. And the girls loved it! We had to do an encore.

Our 5783 Summer Program Guide is BH now available with all new content. Like last year, each week is based on a mishna from Pirkei Avos. The guide focuses on a middah and includes a story and practical application.

But that's not all! This year we added beautifully designed takeaway cards. The cards summarize each lesson's main points and challenge the girls to practice that week's middah. The girls can collect the cards on a key ring or in an album to remember what they learned.

"We already sent the new guide to any sleep away camp or day camp that used last year's program," says Mrs. Chana Baila Hass, National Director of Bnos Agudas Yisroel. "If you're not on that list, please reach out to us, and we'll send it to you, too. We want to distribute the guide to as many camps and communities as possible!" Email Mrs. Chana Baila Hass at bnos@agudah.org to get your copy.

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