Monday, June 12, 2023

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel 23 Sivan 5783/June 12, 2023

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From: The Agudah <>
Date: Mon, Jun 12, 2023, 5:34 PM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel 23 Sivan 5783/June 12, 2023
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June 12, 2023 - 23 Sivan 5783

We apologize: In Friday's email we accidentally linked our Pirchei news and video to the wrong site. We are sorry for this error and have included the correct links in the Pirchei news below.

Pirchei Shabbos of Achdus Unites Boys Across the Midwest in an Unforgettable Weekend of Achdus and Growth 

Click here or on the image above to watch the highlights.

This past Shabbos, Parshas Naso, Pirchei Agudas Yisroel held a 'Shabbos of Achdus' at Camp Matziv Midwest in Cassopolis, Michigan, bringing together boys from eight different cities across the United States for a remarkable weekend of hasmadahruach, and achdus. The cities included; Cincinnati, Columbus, Denver, Indianapolis, Milwaukee, Pittsburgh, South Bend, and St. Louis. The more than 200 participants experienced a beautiful Shabbos that they will long remember. 

The purpose of this unique Shabbos was to cater to boys from communities across the Midwest, ensuring they have an immersive and impactful experience, which will have a ripple effect on their families and communities. Each participant was paired with a dedicated madrich, a 9th or 10th-grade talmid from Mesivta Bais Shraga in Monsey, led by Rabbi Eli Gonter. Together, they embarked on a journey to complete the entire Seder Moed over the course of Shabbos, forging lasting friendships and fostering mutual growth. 

Click here or see below to continue reading.

Yahalom Releases Comprehensive Guide for Sending Children with Special Needs to Sleepaway Camp: Featuring Insights from Mothers and Professionals

Yahalom, a division of Agudath Israel dedicated to supporting families with children with special needs, is pleased to announce the release of a comprehensive guide aimed at assisting parents in sending their children with special needs to sleepaway camps. This invaluable resource incorporates practical tips and advice gathered directly from mothers who have firsthand experience navigating the challenges and opportunities associated with sleepaway camp experiences.

The Yahalom guide for sending children with special needs to sleepaway camp is now available for download by clicking here.

Hard copies are available for pickup at:

Brooklyn: COPE Office, 4006 18th Ave. (Please email for office hours)

Lakewood: Agudah NJ Office, 1999 Cedarbridge Ave. Suite 3A.

Click here or see below to continue reading.

Cleveland Hosts Midwest Agudah Lay Leadership Conference

This past Monday evening, representatives from several cities around the Midwest convened in Cleveland Ohio for the annual MALL (Midwest Agudah Lay Leadership) conference. For ten years now, the Agudah of Illinois has facilitated the MALL group to maintain communication amongst the cities as they address the various challenges they faced and share ideas and projects that have seen success. Besides for the relationships and support, many conferences have resulted in tangible takeaways including a new Agudah office in one city, and multiple service organizations opening around the Midwest.

Click here or see below to continue reading.

Rabbi Avrohom Luban, associate director of Agudah's Florida office, along with Rabbi Harayl Askotzky, CAO at Yeshiva Toras Chaim Toras Emes, and Rabbi Mark Rosenberg, chaplain, Florida Highway Patrol, met with Alfredo "Freddy" Ramirez III, Miami Dade County police director, and other department officials.

We are pleased to announce that the digital version of the Zahav guidebook for New Jersey seniors is now available.

Click here to download.

YahalomNJ Fathers' Night Out

When: Sunday June 18 at 8:30 PM EST

Where: Tomahawk Steakhouse, 700 Cedarbridge Ave, Lakewood, NJ 08701

RSVP:; 732-806-9019 ext. 304

Guest Speaker: Rabbi Sholom Kamenetsky, Rosh Yeshiva, Talmudical Yeshiva of Philadelphia

Pirchei Shabbos of Achdus Unites Boys Across the Midwest in an Unforgettable Weekend of Achdus and Growth; continued...

The program commenced on Thursday evening with a warm welcome from Rabbi Yehuda Kohn, the new National Director of Pirchei Agudas Yisroel. His opening remarks set the stage for an extraordinary weekend filled with meaningful connections and personal development. 

Throughout the weekend, the boys were immersed in a diverse range of activities. Engaging shiurimgeshmake learning sessions, exciting performances, contests, and thrilling outdoor adventures were all part of the packed schedule. Rabbi Yitzi Ackerman traveled in from Eretz Yisroel to lead the tefilloszemiros, and ruach, creating an uplifting atmosphere of ruchniyus and inspiration. 

One of the highlights was the Super Hasmadah seder held on Shabbos afternoon. During this session, the boys demonstrated remarkable dedication, engaging in an uninterrupted learning experience lasting almost two hours. Additionally, a unique Question and Answer session with Rabbi Heshy Forster, Menahel of The Veitzner Cheder in Chicago, served as a valuable opportunity for the boys to seek guidance on challenging scenarios that boys encounter in their daily lives. 

Rabbi Labish Becker, executive director of Agudas Yisroel and senior advisor for the event delivered empowering divrei chizuk throughout Shabbos, expressed his admiration for the impact of the weekend. "This magnificent weekend left such a impression on everyone who attended," said Rabbi Becker. "Everyone left on such a spiritual high, each one feeling that this Shabbos served as an inspiration to recognize that they have the potential to accomplish great things in their lives." 

"It was truly an amazing Shabbos. This was a unique and special opportunity for boys from the various communities to make lasting friendships with boys from around the country," said Rabbi Yehuda Kohn. "Watching the boys learn together and grow together was a truly remarkable experience. I look forward to Pirchei Agudas Yisroel hosting many more events like this one."  

Yahalom Releases Comprehensive Guide for Sending Children with Special Needs to Sleepaway Camp: Featuring Insights from Mothers and Professionals; continued...

Sending a child with special needs to a sleepaway camp can be a complex decision for parents, filled with considerations and concerns. Yahalom's new guide seeks to address these concerns and provide a roadmap for parents, empowering them to make informed decisions and create positive camp experiences for their children.

The guide draws on the insights of mothers who have successfully navigated the sleepaway camp journey with their children. By sharing their experiences, these mothers offer a unique perspective that is both practical and empathetic, providing valuable guidance for other parents embarking on a similar path.

"The Yahalom guide for sending children with special needs to sleepaway camp is a comprehensive resource that empowers parents with knowledge and support," said one of the mothers who contributed to the guide".

"By incorporating the real-life experiences of mothers who have successfully navigated this journey, the guide offers invaluable insights that can help parents create transformative and enriching camp experiences for their children," said Mrs. Fiona Kark, director of Yahalom Chicago.

"We are thrilled to release this guide, which we believe will be an invaluable resource for parents," said Mrs. Chana Laniado, director of YahalomNJ. "By providing firsthand tips and advice from mothers who have been through the sleepaway camp journey with their own children, we hope to empower parents and alleviate some of the concerns they may have."

Miss Tova Wacholder, director of YahalomNY added, "Our goal is to enable families to make well-informed decisions and ensure that their children with special needs have a rewarding and enjoyable camp experience."

Yahalom thanks Raizy Benedikt, Shoshana Berger, Chaya Bogen, Aviva Fruchter, Miriam Gewirtzman, Esther Pransky, Esty Walter, and Malka Winer, for their contributions to this important guide.

Cleveland Hosts Midwest Agudah Lay Leadership Conference; continued...

This year's day and half conference had 23 attendees representing 11 cities and focused on four specific areas: constituent service management, foundation funding, developing new leadership, and small town growth. Presenting attendees included R' David Kushner of Amudim Community Resources from Philadelphia, PA and R' Boruch Rothenberg of the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit from Detroit, MI. Tuesday morning began with Shacharis and breakfast at the recently expanded Hebrew Academy of Cleveland which was followed by a tour of the nearby Cleveland Chesed Center. Throughout the day, time was dedicated to cities sharing ideas for projects and asking general questions. Conversations were very practical and many participants left the conference eager to share what they had learned. Josh Bennett from Cleveland remarked, "Even though Cleveland was one of the larger communities represented, I can envision multiple projects being launched based on models we hear about from our colleagues all over the Midwest."

Rabbi Simcha Dessler, Menahel of the Beis Chinuch Harav Dessler, the Hebrew Academy of Cleveland, delivering divrei brachah at breakfast prior to a tour of their newest campus.

Rabbi Chaim Helman, executive director of of Naaleh Cleveland, describing the broad range of mental health services the organization provides to the Cleveland Jewish community.

Rabbi Avrohom Adler, Director of the Cleveland Chesed Center, describing the services of the Center while leading the delegates on a tour of the facility.

Rabbi Ari Strulowitz, director of operations of Agudath Israel of Illinois, emphasized the need to create a structure of communication throughout the year. "As much as we can accomplish in one day of meetings, the possibilities are endless if the conversation continues beyond this gathering," said Rabbi Strulowitz. Avi Rubin from Detroit said, "To think about how many tens of thousands of Orthodox Jews were represented in that room and yet to recognize how much of an impact can be made by any individual willing to help is truly empowering." Over the years, MALL has proven to be a great forum for strengthening Orthodox communal growth and we look forward to seeing what this year's efforts will yield. 

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