Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel 9 Tamuz 5783/June 28, 2023

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Date: Wed, Jun 28, 2023, 5:07 PM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel 9 Tamuz 5783/June 28, 2023
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June 28, 2023 - 9 Tamuz 5783

In the News Today: NJ universal school lunch... Connecticut job board... Experiences with Rav Gershon Edelstein... Illinois Legislative BBQ...

Agudath Israel Successfully Advocates for Nonpublic School Students to be Included in New Jersey Universal School Lunch Program 

Yesterday, Assembly Bill A5573, which will require New Jersey school districts which provide the national school lunch program be expanded to include all children regardless of income eligibility, passed a critical committee hearing.

However, the bill as introduced would have excluded children who attend private schools from being included in the expansion.

As a result of the advocacy of Agudath Israel's New Jersey office, the bill's sponsors have now amended the bill to include private school children as well.

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Agudath Israel's Connecticut Office Launches Job Board: Helping Orthodox Jews in Connecticut with Employment Opportunities

Agudath Israel's Connecticut Office is proud to unveil its newest initiative, a comprehensive job board designed specifically to assist Orthodox Jews seeking employment in Connecticut. Whether individuals are considering a move to Connecticut or already reside in the state, the job board aims to be a resource and support while navigating the job market.  

Connecticut is an attractive destination for many Orthodox Jews looking to join a vibrant and thriving community that is a short drive from metro New York. However, finding suitable employment opportunities and building professional networks can be challenging. Agudath Israel's job board aims to address these obstacles by offering a centralized platform that connects job seekers with employers. 

Job seekers, potential employers, and current Connecticut employees are invited to visit

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An Insider's Experience with HaRav Gershon Edelstein ztvkl featuring R' Nosson Yaffe

Rav Gershon was the Rosh Yeshiva of the prominent Ponevezh Yeshiva in Bnei Brak where he taught for more than 70 years, and was recognized as the preeminent leader of Klal Yisroel. Known for his profound wisdom and commitment to Torah study, Rabbi Edelstein left an indelible mark on countless individuals who sought his guidance. His unique approach to teaching, characterized by clarity, humility, love and compassion, and a deep understanding of complex texts, resonated with students from all walks of life.

In this week's episode, Rabbi Avi Schnall and Rabbi Shai Markowitz go on the road and sit down with Kupat Ha'ir's Rabbi Nosson Yaffe to discuss exclusive stories and insights from Harav Gershon.

R' Nosson had a very unique relationship with many of our gedolim and sheds light on really impactful and beautiful stories.

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Last night, Agudath Israel of Illinois held a town hall-style legislative barbeque with Senator Ram Villivalam (SD 8), Representative Mike Kelly (HD 15), and Representative Kevin Olickal (HD 16). The event, attended by over 100 people, was hosted by Bruce and Cheryl Leon. The evening was an opportunity for the community to interact with legislators and discuss issues of communal importance.

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Agudath Israel of Illinois Legislative Barbecue

L-R: Rabbi Ari Strulowitz, Mr. Bruce Leon, Rep. Mike Kelly, Rabbi Shlomo Soroka, Senator Ram Villivalam, Rep. Kevin Olickal

Agudath Israel Successfully Advocates for Nonpublic School Students to be Included in New Jersey Universal School Lunch Program; continued...

This means that the state would cover the cost for all students to participate in the breakfast and lunch programs, not just students from low-income families, enabling many more yeshivas and day schools to participate in the program and provide free breakfast and lunch to thousands of children across the state who are not currently receiving a free nutritious meal.

In addition, because of the increased cost of kosher food, many schools that do have children that are eligible for the Federal School Lunch Program do not provide this service because there are not enough children to make the program financially feasible, resulting in the most needy children not receiving lunches or breakfast.

"Like all other children in the state, yeshiva and Jewish day school children deserve to receive healthy and nutritious meals, which are a lifeline to parents struggling through the effects of rising inflation," said Rabbi Avi Schnall, director of Agudah's New Jersey Office.

"Food insecurity, combined with rising prices for food, gas and labor, continue to seriously impact many families and it was imperative to include all children in this."

"Agudath Israel expresses our appreciation to Assembly Speaker Craig Coughlin, Assemblyman Gary Schaer, and the rest of the sponsors for their leadership on this bill" Rabbi Schnall added. "We will continue to work with them in their long-standing efforts to ensure that all children in the state can be treated equally on such an important issue."

Agudath Israel's New Jersey office also expresses its sincere appreciation to Mr. Assaf Shmuel of Edison for his critical efforts in ensuring private school children are included in this monumental legislation.

Agudath Israel's Connecticut Office Launches Job Board: Helping Orthodox Jews in Connecticut with Employment Opportunities; continued...

Employees currently working in Connecticut are invited to tell us more about their industry and workplace, so we can best help future candidates in their line of work. 

"We are thrilled to launch this job board, specifically tailored to the needs of Orthodox Jews in Connecticut," said Rabbi Ari Weisenfeld, director at Agudath Israel's Connecticut Office. "We hope this will be a valuable resource for both those considering a move to Connecticut and current residents looking for a new opportunity." 

Job seekers, potential employers, and current Connecticut employees are invited to visit

Agudath Israel of Illinois Legislative Barbecue; continued...

Legislators shared their initiatives and accomplishments with a visibly engaged crowd. The topic that dominated the evening was the Invest in Kids scholarship program (STC) and its looming sunset. The legislature will consider addressing the issue during the upcoming veto session in October and November. After opening remarks from Mr. Leon and the legislators, Rabbi Shlomo Soroka, AIOI's director of government affairs, moderated a question-and-answer session.


In addition to discussing STC, legislators highlighted other areas of progress and success. Senator Villivalam discussed capital grants for local projects benefitting the community, and the successful passage of his bill that requires schools and other state facilities to provide kosher and halal meal options upon request. Significantly, the bill amends the Kosher Food Act by giving a legal definition for kosher, which would allow the enforcement of a law prohibiting the misrepresenting non-kosher items as kosher. Representative Kelly talked about how the Orthodox community's turnout in the most recent primary elections made all the difference and is not taken for granted. He also reiterated his almost singular focus on preserving the scholarship program and hailed the efforts of Agudah in advocating for that. Representative Olickal mentioned the $20 million in funding of the state's nonprofit security grant program and the state's appropriation for Agudah's school transportation grant. As a freshman lawmaker, he also thanked Rabbi Soroka for his support and assistance as he acclimated himself to the legislative process. All three expressed unequivocal support and pledged to fight for extending the scholarship program. 


Senator Villivalam said, "It's incredibly important for us to have a partner we can trust who understands the needs of the community and can translate that into the legislative process, and we have that through Rabbi Soroka and Agudath Israel."


"While these events are always important, it's vital now more than ever that we strengthen our partnership with our elected officials to achieve our shared goals," said Rabbi Soroka. "I think we accomplished that tonight with everyone's involvement and participation."

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