Thursday, June 29, 2023

Fwd: Workplace Religious Accommodation Ruling; What Makes God Laugh; A Forced Early Shabbos?

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From: Shabbat Shalom <>
Date: Thu, Jun 29, 2023, 6:57 PM
Subject: Workplace Religious Accommodation Ruling; What Makes God Laugh; A Forced Early Shabbos?
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Why political endorsements matter
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June 30-July 1, 2023 / 12 Tammuz 5783


Micah 5:6-6:8


The fast of Shiva Asar B'Tammuz, which begins the Three Weeks mourning period, is observed on Thursday, July 6.

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OU Hails U.S. Supreme Court Ruling on Religious Accommodation in the Workplace
OU Hails U.S. Supreme Court Ruling on Religious Accommodation in the Workplace
OU Advocacy

The OU applauds a 9-0 ruling by the United States Supreme Court strengthening the rights of religious employees in their workplaces to receive accommodations for their religious needs from their employers.

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AROUND OU icon Around the OU
Endorsement Dominoes: Who Falls Next, and Why It Matters
Maury Litwack
Endorsement Dominoes: Who Falls Next, and Why It Matters

With nearly 500 days remaining until the presidential election—and no debates, primaries, or movement in the polls—endorsements are grabbing more than their share of attention. What role do they play?

Read in Mishpacha Magazine
Custom M.Ed. Programs for STEM Teachers
Teach NYS
Custom M.Ed. Programs for STEM Teachers

Graduates from SUNY Empire State University and Gratz College will be eligible for partial salary reimbursement.

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Pennsylvania Anti-Hate Crime Bill Package
OU Advocacy
Pennsylvania Anti-Hate Crime Bill Package

The OU urges the passage of a Pennsylvania anti-hate crime bill package that will help curb antisemitism and other hate crimes.

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Shmooze Special: Barak Ravid
OU Advocacy
Shmooze Special: Barak Ravid

OU Advocacy's Nathan Diament sat down with Barak Ravid to discuss the rollercoaster relations between the U.S. and Israel that led to the Abraham Accords.

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Raising Strong and Resilient Children: Rabbi Shimon Russell
Raising Strong and Resilient Children: Rabbi Shimon Russell

Join us for this episode of The Jews Next Dor as we learn from the world-renowned Rabbi Shimon Russell on the importance of attachment, the pillars of the core sense of self and more, in order to raise strong and resilient children.

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All Mishnah 7 Mesechtos Over 4 Months Initiative
All Mishnah 7 Mesechtos Over 4 Months Initiative

Learn by yourself, or with a friend, parent or child. Register just one time and at the completion of each masechta you will automatically be entered into a drawing.

Sign Up Now
  Women's Initiative  
Torat Imecha Nach Yomi Tehillim Siyum
Wednesday, July 5, and Thursday, July 6, on Zoom

Celebrate the completion of Sefer Tehillim with a retrospective program featuring Mrs. Michal Horowitz, Mrs. Sara Malka Winter, Mrs. Deena Rabinovich, Mrs. Rivka Segal, and Mrs. Aviva Orlian, and a virtual tour with Rivi Frankel.

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AROUND OU icon Torah
No Late Minyan: Am I Forced to Accept Shabbos Early?
Rabbi Moshe Kurtz
No Late Minyan: Am I Forced to Accept Shabbos Early?

Minyanim at your local shuls are all called for 7:00 PM. May you delay accepting Shabbos until closer to shkiyah or must you accept it based on when the shuls will finish kabbalas Shabbos?

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Ben Bag Bag and Ben Hey Hey
Rabbi Shlomo Schwartz
Ben Bag Bag and Ben Hey Hey

Where did these names come from?

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Hope and Anticipation: The Message of the Droplet
Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman
Hope and Anticipation: The Message of the Droplet

The pasuk in Micha compares the remnant of Yaakov to dew and droplets on grass, an anticipated daily event.

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Three Lessons from Mei Meriva
Rabbi Moshe Hauer
Three Lessons from Mei Meriva

There is an enormous amount of debate and commentary regarding the incident recorded in our parsha that resulted in Moshe and Aaron being prevented from entering Eretz Yisrael.

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Punishment Fitting the Crime?
Rabbi Shmuel Goldin
Punishment Fitting the Crime?

What specific sin does Moshe commit at the scene of Mei Meriva that is beyond forgiveness? And why, in addition, is Aharon punished simply for being a bystander?

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His Competitor
Rabbi Menachem Genack
His Competitor

In Bilaam's eyes, his true competitor was not Moshe but Avraham Avinu.

Read in Hebrew
Questions About God — Part 2
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
Questions About God — Part 2

Why do we write "G-d"? Why does He command us to love Him? And what did Moshe and the elders actually see? More real-life Q&A!

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What Makes God Laugh
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztz"l
What Makes God Laugh

From the vantage point of heaven, the ultimate absurdity is when humans start thinking of themselves as godlike.

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Will Robots Replace Rabbis?
Rabbi Shimshon Nadel
Will Robots Replace Rabbis?

This edition of Torah and Technology addresses the fascinating question of the use of AI in psak halacha.

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No to Here and Now
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb
No to Here and Now

These days, we must vigilantly resist this growing and powerful tendency to live only in the moment and for the moment.

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Why Would Hashem Even Let Bilaam Try?
Mrs. Amy Horowitz
Why Would Hashem Even Let Bilaam Try?

What was Bilaam's motivation to curse B'nei Yisrael, and why does Hashem allow him to try?

Listen Now
What Gift From Parshas Balak Do We Sing About on Shabbos?
Rabbi Yitzy Fox

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