Monday, July 17, 2023

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel 28 Tamuz 5783/July 17, 2023

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From: The Agudah <>
Date: Mon, Jul 17, 2023, 5:03 PM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel 28 Tamuz 5783/July 17, 2023
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July 17, 2023 - 28 Tamuz 5783

In the News Today: Latest Agudah Live podcast episode...Free download of the Yahalom Bar Mitzvah Guide... PCS Open House... Rabbi Zwiebel at the EDN conference... and Bnos Week of Tefilla

The Big Supreme Court Decision and How It Can Effect Any Frum Jew

In the 1920's it was common for someone to lose their job if they didn't show up to work on Saturday.

"But I keep Shabbos."

"That's not our problem."

And they were fired.

It's wild that in 2023, while we aren't dealing with the same exact issue, we are still dealing with so many challenges to living as a frum Jew in America.

The Supreme Court just made a very big decision for a Christian employee that will impact Orthodox Jews in the work place.

In the latest episode of the Agudah Live podcast, Rabbi Avi Schnall and Rabbi Shai Markowitz spoke to Eric R. Stern, Esq., to unpack the ramifications of the decision.

Watch at:

Have a question? Topic? Feedback?:

Please email us at

You can now call in to listen to AgudahLive! 605.477.2101

Listen on your favorite podcast platform by searching "Agudah Live"

Making a Simcha a Real Celebration: Yahalom's Bar and Bas Mitzvah Guide for Children with Special Needs 

Yahalom, Agudath Israel's division that provides resources for families of children with special needs, is proud to release a guide for parents preparing for their child's Bar or Bas Mitzvah. 

Click here or see below for more details.

Click here to download the guide as a PDF. 

PCS Open House

PCS will be having an open house for their Software and Web Development Course on Monday, July 24, 7:30PM, in Lakewood NJ.

Click here or see below for more details.

Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel speaking at the Executive Directors Network (EDN) conference.

Bnos Week of Tefilla Contest: Week 2

What: Each week fill in your chart and send it in to be entered into an exciting raffle to win an amazing prize!

For: Girls in grades 2-6

When: Thursday, July 13 - Wednesday, July 19

How: Have extra kavanah by one Tefilla each

day. Fill it in on the chart. Then email in your chart to or call in at 212.797.9000 ext: 353 

Click here to download your chart. 

Making a Simcha a Real Celebration: Yahalom's Bar and Bas Mitzvah Guide for Children with Special Needs, continued....

Mazel Tov – it's a simcha! While in many homes, the phrase "Bar Mitzvah" sparks the joys of planning a beautiful coming-of-age celebration for a child, for some parents, those words unleash a torrent of stress – what if a boy can't halachically put on tefillin? How can parents host a Bas Mitzvah party when their daughter can't stand crowds? What will be with a nonverbal child's traditional speech or pshetl? 

Yahalom, Agudath Israel's division that provides resources for families of children with special needs, is proud to release a guide for parents preparing for their child's Bar or Bas Mitzvah. 

Planning any simcha can be stressful, and trying to balance the expectation of a public event with the needs of a particular child makes the organizing more complex. Yahalom's guide addresses parents' possible concerns regarding their child's sensitives and preferences and brings practical advice for planning a simcha that they and their child will both enjoy. With discussions about photography, scheduling, and other simcha-related topics, the document walks parents through the planning, preparation, and presentation of the event, providing them with useful tips to make their child's milestone into a special day for everyone.  

Click here to download the guide as a PDF. 

Reach out to your local Yahalom office for more information. 

Yahalom New York |212.747.8763 

Yahalom New Jersey | 848.285.8444 

Yahalom Chicago | 773.279.8400 x266 

Yahalom Florida trichmond@agudah.org516.567.2777

PCS Software and Web Development Course Open House

Open House: Monday, July 24, 7:30 PM ET

The PCS/Agudath Israel Advantage

  • 8 placement coordinators to help you find a job.
  • Decades of relationships with 100's of firms.
  • Internships upon course completion.
  • Hands-on instruction, up-to-date curriculum, stellar instructors to help you succeed.
  • Lab/ tutors to help you master the material and create a portfolio.
  • Remote classes and remote tutoring- join from anywhere.
  • Optional Bachelor's degree (Yeshiva and Seminary credits accepted).
  • Separate classes for men and women.

Not sure if this is the right career for you? Aptitude testing available.

In person open house at:

PCS/Professional Career Services

1771 Madison Avenue, Executive Center

Lakewood, NJ, 08701

Virtual open house, email:

For more information, call 732-905-9700 ext. 610 or email

Agudath Israel of America | 42 Broadway 14th floor, New York, NY 10004
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