Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel of Illinois 29 Tamuz, 5783/July 18, 2023

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From: Agudah <>
Date: Wed, Jul 19, 2023, 4:56 PM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel of Illinois 29 Tamuz, 5783/July 18, 2023
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July 18, 2023 | 29 Tamuz, 5783

  • 60 Rabbanim and 25 Rebbetzins attended the 13th annual Midwest Conference of Synagogue Rabbanim this past week. See below to read about the Conference.

  • For the first time ever, the highly popular Agudath Israel of Illinois H3 Summit was held in London, UK yesterday, with an over-sold attendance of over 500 people. Scroll to read more.


  • Yahalom Chicago hosted two evenings this past week for mothers of individuals with special needs. See below for the complete article.

  • The Galei Avigayil pool will be closed during the 9 days. We will be offering many new open swim days throughout the week. Details to follow.

  • With printing and postage costs rising dramatically, we need your support more than ever! See below for AIOI Family Calendar Sponsorship Opportunities.

  • Are you traveling between August and December? See below for important passport application information.

  • Agudath Israel of Illinois is looking to hire. See below for available positions and to apply.

  • The Antonia Spitzer Jewish Library is offering many new summer programs and hosted Art Classes this past Sunday. Scroll to read more and to view the summer programming calendar.

  • Agudath Israel of Illinois invites residents of Skokie and Evanston to a Virtual Town Hall. Scroll for details.

  • See below for Pirchei Mishnas Shabbos Shiurim information.

  • See below for the summer Shabbos Bnos schedule.

Midwest Rabbanim Conference Focuses on Relationships, Growth, Mental Health

60 Rabbanim and 25 Rebbetzins attended the 13th annual Midwest Conference of Synagogue Rabbanim with one question in mind: "How can we help our kehillos grow?" Over the two-day conference, participants focused on connecting to every member of their kehillos. Each presenter spotlighted different groups within the kehillah, ranging from men to women, from school-age children to teenagers. 

On relationships, Rabbi Chaim Schabes, Mara D'asra of Congregation Knesses Yisroel in Monsey, NY, spoke about the value of connecting to families within the kehillah and the relationship between Rabbanim and therapists. 

Rabbi Yosef Elefant, Maggid Shiur, Yeshivas Mir Yerushalayim, spoke on the topic of building a stronger relationship with and inspiring the men in the kehillah. Rabbi Shmuel Fuerst, Dayan, Agudas Yisroel of Illinois, shared bein adam l'chaveiro questions Rabbanim are often presented with, and how to address them. 

A highlight of this year's conference was the expansion of the discussion groups sessions. Three times during the two-day conference the Rabbanim joined together in randomly chosen groups to have open discussions moderated by a leader chosen from the group. The sessions created lively conversations about relevant topics and issues facing many of the participants. 

Another main topic at the conference was mental health. Rabbi Shloime Schwartzberg, Mora D'asra of Grande River Shtibel in Toms River, NJ, and a licensed social worker discussed how to avoid burnout and the importance of correctly understanding mental health terminology. 

The Rebbetzins participated in a program of their own, featuring remarks from Mrs. Debbie Selengut, who spoke about the role of a Rebbetzin and its unique challenges. 

"I found the conference interesting and enlightening," commented Rabbi Menachem Ostroff. "It is a unique opportunity to have the chance to benefit from having so much rabbinical experience all in one room." 


"Every year I look forward to this conference," said Rabbi Zvi Zimmerman. "As a Rabbi in the community, it is a great opportunity to speak to other Rabbanim who have experienced what I have, allow me to appreciate what my baalei batim bring to the table, and how I can help others similarly to how they help their congregants. In addition, each session was filled with applicable insights that I intend to implement in my shul."

H3 Goes Transatlantic!

For the first time ever, the highly popular Agudath Israel of Illinois H3 Summit was held in London, UK yesterday, with an over-sold attendance of over 500 people. An ad-hoc group of London-based askonim ran a perfectly timed and highly successful program, presented by a broad spectrum of local Dayanim and businessmen along with a number of guest speakers from the US. Rav Yosef Elefant, R"M in Yeshivas Mir Yerushalayim and Mr. Shlomo Werdiger, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Agudath Israel of America, delivered keynote addresses at a gala dinner. A complete recap of the full-day event will iy"H be sent out in the near future.

Yahalom Events

Yahalom Chicago hosted two evenings this past week for mothers of individuals with special needs. Close to 30 women attended a relaxing evening around the beautiful pool at the home of Mrs. Donna Atkin. One mother described the night as a "great energy boost" and another mother felt that it was "a real vacation!" Delicious food, meaningful conversation, connection and some new faces made the event a great break from the busy, summer days!

A parent-to-parent support group at the home of Rivky Gelerinter was attended by mothers of children with mild developmental delays. With mothers of older children and mothers of younger children both attending, everyone benefitted from the mix of experiences shared.

Library Art Classes

Proud artists show off their work at the conclusion of the Antonia Spitzer Library's art classes.

The art classes were just one of a number of special programs the library is running this summer during July. Other programs include: a book bingo contest, a puppet show, meet the author and kite decorating. Be on the lookout for additional new programs that are being scheduled for August!

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