Monday, August 28, 2023

FW: [-aneinu] Update - Simcha Dov Kossovsky

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-------- Original message --------
From: 'Chicago Aneinu' via chicago-aneinu <>
Date: 8/28/23 2:34 PM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Update - Simcha Dov Kossovsky

Update on Simcha Dov Kossovsky - Please continue to daven for Simcha Dov Ber ben Chaya Fraida (update sent to an Aneinu member)

Wow!! I am very impressed that you remembered us. I am touched that you cared enough to reach out to find out.

Unfortunately, the disease is unrelenting and continues to progress. He continues to lose muscles that we didn't even know existed. Currently, he has lost all forms of communication and even his ability to move his eyes. He is still able to hear and see, if things are placed right in front of them and he's strong enough to keep his eyelids open. 

We have created a home hospital here in Har Nof, and do our best to keep him out of the hospital. Throughout this entire process, Simcha Dov has always maintained a positive attitude and never once became angry. We continue to create a positive atmosphere filled with visitors, chavrusos, people who come and sing and other stimulations to provide him with the best quality of life possible. 

There is a tehillim chat where people continue to say tehillim for him. I will include an invitation below.

Additionally, I put out a weekly chinuch video as a zchus for a Refuah Sheleima that I will put an invitation to that chat as well.
If you do not use ‎WhatsApp, I can add you to an email list if you would prefer. Please let me know.

Thank you again for caring and reaching out to us. That is most appreciated.

Wishing you a K'siva V'chasima Tova and may we all be written in the book of Chayim Tovim. 

USA +1 414 217-2172
IL +972 58 613-0220

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