Sunday, August 20, 2023

Fw: Final Aishes Chayil shiur tonight! - Shekeh HaChain

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From: "" <>
To: "Chana Chroman" <>
Cc: "Shaindy Kappel" <>
Sent: Sun, Aug 20, 2023 at 4:17 PM
Subject: Final Aishes Chayil shiur tonight! - Shekeh HaChain
The last 2 pasukim of Aishes Chayil -- sheker hachaun v'hevel hayofi --  -- are more than just the conclusion in a list of desirable characteristics of an aishes chayil. They contain great depths of meaning and have been the subject of innumerble commentaries.
Tonignt we tackle these pasukim!
The Meaning of Aishes Chayil
Tonight 9:15 Chicago time
Zoom 596-640-0113
Password: 94051
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