Thursday, August 31, 2023

Fwd: Back to School with Torah Tzivah

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From: Sichos in English <>
Date: Thu, Aug 31, 2023, 11:59 AM
Subject: Back to School with Torah Tzivah
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14 Elul, 5783 — August 31, 2023
Year of Hakhel

As children are now heading back into the classrooms, Sichos in English is excited to release Torah Tzivah — To Cherish the Torah, excerpted from the upcoming The Life of a Jewish Child, featuring the Rebbe's messages on the Twelve Pesukim

This intriguing booklet has the parents and educators in mind. It hones in on the Rebbe's message on how to empower children to cherish the Torah, owning it for themselves. The Rebbe made clear that children possess the capacity to hold a personal connection of their own with the Torah and that they should feel that they are able to access it at all times.

So, as the children head into school, where they receive guidance and learn valuable lessons for life, how can we ensure, as parents and teachers, that these lessons become instilled in them? Click below to access this incredible resource bringing the Rebbe's perspective on chinuch and guidance straight to you.

May this chinuch that we provide to our children lead them to taking it to heart, until ultimately, we will watch them when they will be the first ones to point and proclaim Mashiach's arrival, bemeheirah beyameinu, Amen!

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