Monday, August 14, 2023

Fwd: Maseches Kidushin Begins Tomorrow!

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From: All Daf <>
Date: Mon, Aug 14, 2023, 3:08 PM
Subject: Maseches Kidushin Begins Tomorrow!
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All Daf
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NEW! Maseches Kidushin Overview

NEW! Maseches Kidushin Overview


Enjoy this informative mesechta overview of Maseches Kidushin presented by Daf Hachaim.


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NEW! Kidushin Throughout The Ages

NEW! Kidushin Throughout The Ages


Watch a brand new episode on Maseches Kidushin from Rabbi Dr. Eliezer Brodt. Lots of interesting information on Rishonim, Achronim, contemporary seforim, and more.

This episode was sponsored in memory of Moshe Ben Eliyahu and Ahron Ben Eliyahu


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Song of Shas: Gitin

Songs of Shas: Gitin


The Songs of Shas offers a summarizing, concise, and joyful chazara highlighting the klallim and yesodos of each Mesechta in an easy-to-remember and retainable rhyme. Understanding the challenge to retain every shakla v'tarya and every mimra, these cheerful rhyming stanzas accentuate and review the key stanzas, themes, and ideas found throughout the Mesechta.


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It's Not Too Late! Gitin Explored

It's Not Too Late! Gitin Explored


Tens of thousands have already viewed this special series!

All Daf collaborated with the Bais HaVaad of Lakewood to create a video of the Get process to present a visual background and enhance your learning.

In this series: Seder Haget

  • Introduction
  • Appointments
  • Nullifications
  • The Names
  • Writing
  • Giving the Get

This series was sponsored by:
Torah Memory Palace.

Click Here for more information.


Prenuptial Agreement; History, Document, and Implementation:

A discussion with Rabbi Mordechai Willig, Av Beth Din, Beth Din of America & Rabbi Shlomo Weissmann, Director, Beth Din of America.


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