Friday, August 18, 2023

Fwd: New from OU Press: The Rav on Tefillah

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From: OU Press <>
Date: Wed, Aug 16, 2023, 7:02 PM
Subject: New from OU Press: The Rav on Tefillah
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The Rav on Tefillah: An Anthology of Teachings by Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik on Prayer
The Levovitz Edition
Edited and annotated by Rabbi Dr. Jay Goldmintz

There was no aspect of Tefillah to which Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, "the Rav," did not devote his remarkable intellectual capability as well as his deep religious sensitivity, his whole mind with his whole heart and soul. The Rav approached Tefillah with great depth and intellectual rigor and this was a subject to which he returned again and again, in his shiurim, public lectures, and written works. The Rav's teachings have had a profound impact on the Jewish community; however, they have not always been readily accessible. 

Veteran educator Rabbi Jay Goldmintz, a pioneer in the teaching of Jewish prayer, has performed a great service to the Jewish community by collating the Rav's bountiful teachings on this fundamental area of Judaism. By presenting them with helpful introductions and adding context which allows the reader to appreciate the Rav's contributions and gain greater understanding, Rabbi Goldmintz's work will help readers understand both the particulars of prayer and its overall structure so to achieve the goal of prayer, worship of the heart.

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