Friday, August 4, 2023

Fwd: Tefillas Haderech Tips; NSGP Funding at Risk; Extraterrestrial Life in Jewish Thought

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From: Shabbat Shalom <>
Date: Thu, Aug 3, 2023, 7:08 PM
Subject: Tefillas Haderech Tips; NSGP Funding at Risk; Extraterrestrial Life in Jewish Thought
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August 4-5, 2023 / 18 Av 5783


Isaiah 49:14-51:3

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It's a Tefillah, Not a Bracha
It's a Tefillah, Not a Bracha
Rabbi Moshe Elefant

OU Kosher presents a new series on the intricacies of reciting Tefillas Haderech, adapted from the Halacha Yomis email.

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Proposed Slashes to US Security-Grant Program Cause Concern
OU Advocacy
Proposed Slashes to US Security Grant Program Cause Concern

"We're going to be fighting over the next few weeks to make sure there isn't a cut," said Nathan Diament, OU Advocacy executive director.

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Hachnasas Kallah–A Michlelet Wedding
NCSY Summer
Hachnasat Kallah – A Michlelet Wedding

One of the highlights of the NCSY Michlelet summer program is making a wedding for a couple in need. Join them via livestream on Sunday, August 6, to watch the wedding of Meir and Sara.

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Lower Tuition Becomes a Reality at Two NYS Schools
Teach NYS
Lower Tuition Becomes a Reality at Two NYS Schools

Thanks to efforts made by Teach NYS to secure government funding and resources, two New York day schools – Derech HaTorah in Rochester and Brandeis Hebrew Academy in Lawrence – have recently announced that they are lowering their tuition.

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Taking Charge of Your Health
Jewish Action
Taking Charge of Your Health

With all the pressures that come along with leading a frum life, preventative health care often takes a back seat.

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  Women's Initiative  
Torat Imecha Nach Yomi Mishlei Siyum
Monday, August 7, at 12 PM EDT

Join the Women's Initiative for the Torat Imecha Nach Yomi Mishlei Siyum with Mrs. Michal Horowitz.

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Extraterrestrial Life in Jewish Thought
Rabbi Shimshon Nadel
Extraterrestrial Life in Jewish Thought

Rabbi Nadel's series on Torah and Technology boldly goes where no shiur has gone before.

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When Extremism Can Be a Positive
Rabbi Shlomo Schwartz
When Extremism Can Be a Positive

Rebbe Levitas ish Yavneh – Why emphasize where he came from?

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Forever United: The Land of Israel and Its Eternal Bride
Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman
Forever United: The Land of Israel and Its Eternal Bride

In a vivid description of the return of the exiles to the Land of Israel, Hashem swears that the land will don the people like jewels, and be adorned with them like a bride.

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The Opportunity of Prosperity
Rabbi Moshe Hauer
The Opportunity of Prosperity

There is a word that is found in the Torah a total of four times, three of them in this week's parsha and once in last week's.

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Inspirational Judaism
Rabbi Norman Lamm ztZ"l
Inspirational Judaism

It is possible to suggest that the Talmud offers the halachic, legal answer, while the mishnah in Avot offers an aggadic, inspirational and aspirational answer.

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A Long Life
Rabbi Menachem Genack
A Long Life

Why did Rabbi Yochanan not understand how people could live long lives outside of Israel? What does living a long life really mean?

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Do Some Psalms Come From Gehinnom? (And Other Questions About Davening)
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
Do Some Psalms Come From Gehinnom? (And Other Questions About Davening)

More real-life questions, including: Why recite "Dovid Melech" in Kiddush Levana? How do we bentch in the absence of a baal habayis? And, of course, were 11 Psalms composed in Gehinnom?

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The Spirituality of Listening
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztz"l
The Spirituality of Listening

The word shema appears no fewer than 92 times in sefer Devarim – more than in any other book of the Torah. Listen, heed, pay attention, hear what God is saying…. Judaism is a religion of listening.

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Discipline and Suffering
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb
Discipline and Suffering

"I have frequently been asked to review or give an opinion about any of the plethora of books on the subject of raising one's children."

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Moshe Rabbeinu's Final Message
Mrs. Leah Feinberg
Moshe Rabbeinu's Final Message

Moshe Rabbeinu's messages to the Jewish people before his death focus on the special qualities of the Land of Israel and the principle of reward and punishment.

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Where Do We See Techiyas Hameisim in Parshas Eikev?
Rabbi Yitzy Fox
Where Do We See Techiyas Hameisim in Parshas Eikev?

Have fun and learn the parsha like never before with these challenging parsha trivia questions!

Read Trivia Questions
Stupendous Smallness
Rebbetzin Shira Smiles
Stupendous Smallness

We live in a world where the general attitude is, "the bigger the better." We are impressed by things that are of considerable size and grandiose in measure.

Read More in Torah Tidbits
Only to Fear Him
Halacha Yomis
Only to Fear Him

In this week's parsha, the Torah commands us to fear Hashem. "What does Hashem, your God, ask of you? Only to fear Him." How does one acquire the trait of fearing Hashem?

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