Thursday, August 10, 2023

Google Bard Divar Torah on Parshas Re'eh and why we should join Rabbi Stefansky Daf Yomi Shuir August 15th 2023 for Kiddushin

Sure, here is a sermon for parshas Re'eh connected to joining or rejoining Rabbi Stefansky Daf Yomi shiur on August 15th 2023 for kidushin: In parshas Re'eh, Moshe Rabbeinu talks about the importance of kidushin, the Jewish marriage ceremony. He tells the Jewish people that kidushin is a sacred bond between a man and a woman that should be entered into with great care and deliberation. This parsha is a powerful reminder of the importance of marriage in Judaism. Marriage is not just a legal contract or a social arrangement. It is a sacred union that is meant to last for a lifetime. This is also a relevant message for those who are considering joining or rejoining Rabbi Stefansky Daf Yomi shiur. Rabbi Stefansky is a brilliant and inspiring teacher who can help us to understand the importance of marriage and how to build a strong and lasting relationship. If we are willing to put in the effort to learn and grow, we will be blessed with a happy and fulfilling marriage. So, if you are looking for a way to strengthen your marriage or prepare for kidushin, I encourage you to join or rejoin Rabbi Stefansky Daf Yomi shiur. It is a life-changing experience that you and your spouse will never regret. Here are some specific benefits of joining or rejoining Rabbi Stefansky Daf Yomi shiur: You will learn about the importance of marriage in Judaism from a brilliant and inspiring teacher. You will have the opportunity to connect with other couples who are also committed to building strong and lasting relationships. You will grow spiritually and intellectually as you delve into the depths of the laws of marriage. You will experience the blessings of Hashem in your marriage as you become more observant of His laws. So, what are you waiting for? Join or rejoin Rabbi Stefansky Daf Yomi shiur today! You and your spouse won't regret it. In addition to the benefits mentioned above, joining or rejoining Rabbi Stefansky Daf Yomi shiur can also help you to prepare for kidushin in the following ways: You will learn about the halachos of kidushin, so that you can understand the process and make informed decisions. You will develop a deeper understanding of the meaning of marriage, so that you can enter into the covenant with your eyes wide open. You will build a strong foundation of Torah knowledge, which will help you to create a home that is filled with love, peace, and joy. If you are serious about building a strong and lasting marriage, I encourage you to join or rejoin Rabbi Stefansky Daf Yomi shiur today. It is an investment that will pay off for the rest of your life.

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