Monday, September 4, 2023

Fw: [-aneinu] Update - Injured List

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From: "'Chicago Aneinu' via chicago-aneinu" <>
To: "Chaya Miriam Wolper" <>
Sent: Mon, Sep 4, 2023 at 4:11 PM
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Update - Injured List
Chasdei Hashem! Aryeh Gottleib,  has been released from the hospital and is starting rehab. From Arutz 7:

Aryeh Gotlieb, the driver who was seriously wounded in the terrorist shooting attack in which Batsheva Nigri was murdered, was released from the hospital today (Monday), two weeks after the attack.

Gotlieb departed Soroka Hospital in Be'er Sheva and will now be transferred to Sheba Hospital in Tel Hashomer for rehabilitation.

Gotlieb was giving a ride to his sister-in-law, Batsheva Nigri, and his young niece at the time of the shooting. The child witnessed her mother's murder from the back seat but miraculously was unharmed.

He continued driving until they reached a safe location despite suffering multiple gunshot wounds before being taken to the hospital.

Last week, he recounted the attack to Israel National News - Arutz Sheva: "At the entrance to the town there is a hitchhiking station," he said. "There I see Batsheva and Shirel, her daughter. Batsheva sits in the front and Shirel in the back. I say the Traveler's Prayer and off we go."

He explained that, "The road between Beit Hagai and Kiryat Arba is one of the most dangerous in Judea and Samaria, because a lot of checkpoints have been opened under the instruction of the Major-General, after they were closed due to terror attacks. Within a range of about seven minutes' drive, there are seven in places from which a person can carry out a terror attack and disappear within ten seconds into Area A."

"The funnel of Hebron reaches there," he explained. "It's always crowded there, with trucks and vehicles, which places the settlers right into the jaws of the lion - the Palestinian travelers. I near the traffic circle and drive slowly. When I enter the traffic circle, I hear a burst from an entire magazine of an M-16. I feel a slap from the side - glass and the metal of bullets hit my face and body. I understand that they fired at us and I say, 'They shot at us, they shot at us.' Batsheva, beside me, does not respond, Shirel is asking what to do. I told her to call MDA immediately."

Gotieb continued, "I continued driving, while it was clear to me that I was going to die. We're talking about gunfire from a distance of two meters, fired directly at me. We were sitting ducks in a firing range, they emptied a magazine on me. At that moment I say Shema Yisrael and the confession, with the feeling that I won't last a long time. I thought, 'Where do I go - forward or turn back at the traffic circle to the Judea Brigade? Or straight towards Kiryat Arba, a distance of 4-5 minutes' travel.' I decided not to make a u-turn at the traffic circle, because maybe they were still waiting for me and would shoot me again to ensure I was dead."

"I continued driving straight, without knowing what my injuries were. I felt disconnected. It was clear to me that I was not going to last until Kiryat Arba, a distance of a few minutes' drive, when I was spraying blood in every direction, my windshield and window were shattered by the bullets. In a split-second decision I decided to continue until I saw a Jew who would help me. We continued with Shirel speaking to MDA on the phone. They asked where we were. I told her to say that we were at the Hakvasim Junction. I saw a construction project from Mekorot at the side of the road, where they are working on the new [water] pipe, and there are security guards there.

"I passed the two traffic circles, took a right in the vehicle, and stopped on the side, waiting for the security guard to notice me. After a minute the security guard came out. I told him that they shot at us and that he should call the center. During this time, Shirel was trying to wake her mother up and screaming, 'Mom, wake up.' It was clear to me that she was no longer with us. She did not suffer, and she was killed on the spot."

He continued, "The security guard brings Shirel out of the vehicle so that she won't continue to be exposed to the sight more than she already has seen. I remain in the vehicle with the murdered Batsheva. I'm waiting for them to come and save me. I closed my eyes and lifted my head so that I can manage to breathe. I feel like I am dying. After 2-3 minutes I heard army vehicles approaching. My eyes are closed and I hear someone saying, 'Two critical' and understand that from their perspective, this means that the paramedic has not yet declared death, but there are two who are no longer among the living."

When, after Gotlieb had been taken to the hospital, he was informed that the terrorists responsible for the attack had been caught, he said: "This is not encouraging and it does not make me happy that they caught them. They should prevent the next terror attack. We have brave and elite fighters but the idea is to prevent terror in the first place. I don't understand this cowardice, of giving to the enemy at the expense of our, the settlers', lives."

Chevron Shooting Attack 8/21/23
Aryeh Leib ben Ella

Moped Accident in Rome 8/7/23
Refoel ben Rivka Chana
Devorah Adina bas Chana Avigayil

Stepped on can of chemicals 8/3/23
Azaryah Chananel ben Rachel

Terror Attack at Eli Junction Route 60 - 06/20/23
Eyran ben Naama
Uri ben Smadar
Moise ben Helena
Matanya ben Tirtza

Ramming in Shomron 11/22/22
Hadar bas Shani Shoshana

Operation Shield & Arrow 5/11/23
Shoshana Hadassah bat Ronit Rachel
Negev Region Car Accident 4/26/23
Ayala Molly Bat Nechama
Ilya Yinon Shraga Ben Baya Yardena
Netta Avraham Ben Ayala Molly
Shachar Yisrael ben Ayala Molly
Uri Amidan Ben Ayala Molly
Agrippas Street Terror Attack 4/24/23
David ben Sultana
Yom Hazikaron Terror Attack 4/25/23
Mordechai Dovid ben Ahuva Tikva
Shimon HaTzaddik Terror Attack 4/18/23
Moshe Yosef ben Malka
Yaakov ben Penina

Kiryat Arba Terror Attack Nov. 2022
Tamar bas Nira

Dizengoff St. Terror Attack 3/9/2023
Rotem ben Chava
Ramot Terror Attack 2/10/23
Avraham Noach ben Yehudis (Paley)
Baruch ben Devora (Amadi)
Elchonon Yaakov ben Rachel (Pardo)
Neve Yaakov Terror Attack 1/27/23
Matan Michoel ben Sara

Ir David Terror Attack 1/27/23
Nadav Chaim ben Irit Chaya
Ariel Terror Attack
Idor ben Chaya Aviva
David ben Sarit Chaya

 Ramat Eshkol Terror Attack
Eliyahu ben Margalit
Shamgar Bus Accident
Batsheva bas Sora Chaya (married 6 months)      
Highland Park Shooting
Shayna Chaya bas Michal

Chassan in Eretz Yisroel
Chaim Itai ben Ahuva
Givat Zev Injured (Bleachers collapse)
Dovid Tzvi ben Liba
Shmuel Meir ben Zelda
Yaakov ben Gittel
Yehoshua ben Devorah
Yom-Tov Simcha ben Chaya Yehudis
Injured in Meron
Elazar ben Re-u-ma
Yosef Ezriel ben Chaya Michal 
Injured in Israel War/Terror Attack
Benayah Yisroel ben Aviva
Elad ben Julia 
Shalev Ben Revital  
פרק 6/ו
(א) לַמְנַצֵּחַ בִּנְגִינוֹת עַל הַשְּׁמִינִית מִזְמוֹר לְדָוִד:
 (ב) ה' אַל בְּאַפְּךָ תוֹכִיחֵנִי וְאַל בַּחֲמָתְךָ תְיַסְּרֵנִי:
 (ג) חָנֵּנִי ה' כִּי אֻמְלַל אָנִי רְפָאֵנִי ה' כִּי נִבְהֲלוּ עֲצָמָי:
 (ד) וְנַפְשִׁי נִבְהֲלָה מְאֹד וְאַתָּה ה' עַד מָתָי:
 (ה) שׁוּבָה ה' חַלְּצָה נַפְשִׁי הוֹשִׁיעֵנִי לְמַעַן חַסְדֶּךָ:
 (ו) כִּי אֵין בַּמָּוֶת זִכְרֶךָ בִּשְׁאוֹל מִי יוֹדֶה לָּךְ:
 (ז) יָגַעְתִּי בְּאַנְחָתִי אַשְׂחֶה בְכָל לַיְלָה מִטָּתִי בְּדִמְעָתִי עַרְשִׂי אַמְסֶה:
(ח) עָשְׁשָׁה מִכַּעַס עֵינִי עָתְקָה בְּכָל צוֹרְרָי:
 (ט) סוּרוּ מִמֶּנִּי כָּל פֹּעֲלֵי אָוֶן כִּי שָׁמַע ה' קוֹל בִּכְיִי:
 (י) שָׁמַע ה' תְּחִנָּתִי ה' תְּפִלָּתִי יִקָּח:
 (יא) יֵבֹשׁוּ וְיִבָּהֲלוּ מְאֹד כָּל אֹיְבָי יָשֻׁבוּ יֵבֹשׁוּ רָגַע:

1) For the musician, with musical accompaniment on the sheminis instrument, a mizmor by David. (2) Hashem, don't rebuke me in Your anger. Don't chastise me in Your rage. (3) Grant me Your mercy, Hashem, for I have been cut down. (4) Heal me, Hashem, for my bones shake with terror. My soul is utterly terrified, and You Hashem — How long? (5) Turn back, Hashem, release my soul. Save me as befits Your kindness ... (6) for there is no mention of You in death. In the grave who will thank You? (7) I am exhausted from groaning; every night my bed is drenched; with my tears I soil the place where I have lain.  (8) My eye is dimmed from anger, aged by all my tormentors. (9) Depart from me all wrongdoers, for Hashem has heard the sound of my weeping. (10) Hashem has heard my plea; Hashem will accept my prayer. (11) They will be ashamed and will be utterly astounded. When all my enemies return, they will be ashamed for a while.
 פרק 20/כ         
(א) לַמְנַצֵּחַ מִזְמוֹר לְדָוִד:
 (ב) יַעַנְךָ ה' בְּיוֹם צָרָה יְשַׂגֶּבְךָ שֵׁם אֱלֹקֵי יַעֲקֹב:
 (ג) יִשְׁלַח עֶזְרְךָ מִקֹּדֶשׁ וּמִצִּיּוֹן יִסְעָדֶךָּ:
 (ד) יִזְכֹּר כָּל מִנְחֹתֶךָ וְעוֹלָתְךָ יְדַשְּׁנֶה סֶלָה:
 (ה) יִתֶּן לְךָ כִלְבָבֶךָ וְכָל עֲצָתְךָ יְמַלֵּא:
 (ו) נְרַנְּנָה בִּישׁוּעָתֶךָ וּבְשֵׁם אֱלֹקֵינוּ נִדְגֹּל, יְמַלֵּא ה' כָּל מִשְׁאֲלוֹתֶיךָ:
(ז) עַתָּה יָדַעְתִּי כִּי הוֹשִׁיעַ ה' מְשִׁיחוֹ יַעֲנֵהוּ מִשְּׁמֵי קָדְשׁוֹ בִּגְבֻרוֹת יֵשַׁע יְמִינוֹ:
 (ח) אֵלֶּה בָרֶכֶב וְאֵלֶּה בַסּוּסִים וַאֲנַחְנוּ בְּשֵׁם ה' אֱלֹהֵינוּ נַזְכִּיר:
 (ט) הֵמָּה כָּרְעוּ וְנָפָלוּ וַאֲנַחְנוּ קַּמְנוּ וַנִּתְעוֹדָד:
  (י) ה' הוֹשִׁיעָה הַמֶּלֶךְ יַעֲנֵנוּ בְיוֹם קָרְאֵנוּ: 

(1) For the musician, a mizmor by David. (2) May Hashem answer you on the day of distress. May the Name of Yaakov's G-d protect you. (3) May He send your help from the Mikdash; may He support you from Tzion. (4) May He give consideration to all your minchah-offerings. May He accept your olah-offerings, Selah. (5) May He grant you according to your heart. May He fulfill your every plan. (6) We will sing joyously because of your deliverance, and we will gather around banners in the Name of our G-d. May Hashem fulfill all your requests.  (7) Now I know that Hashem continues to save His anointed one. He will continue to answer from His holy heaven, with the mighty victories of His right hand. (8) Some [depend] on chariots, and some on horses. We call out the Name of Hashem, our G-d. (9) They slumped and fell, but we stood up and were empowered. (10) Hashem save! May the King answer us on the day we call.
Psalms Chapter 130 תְּהִלִּים
א  שִׁיר הַמַּעֲלוֹת:
מִמַּעֲמַקִּים קְרָאתִיךָ    יְהוָה.
      1 A Song of Ascents. 
       Out of the depths have I called Thee, O LORD.
ב  אֲדֹנָי,    שִׁמְעָה בְקוֹלִי:
  תִּהְיֶינָה אָזְנֶיךָקַשֻּׁבוֹת--    לְקוֹלתַּחֲנוּנָי.
      2 Lord, hearken unto my voice; 
       let Thine ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications.
ג  אִם-עֲוֺנוֹת תִּשְׁמָר-יָהּ--    אֲדֹנָימִי יַעֲמֹד.
       3 If Thou, LORD, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand?
ד  כִּי-עִמְּךָ הַסְּלִיחָה--    לְמַעַןתִּוָּרֵא.
        4 For with Thee there is forgiveness, that Thou may be feared.
ה  קִוִּיתִי יְהוָהקִוְּתָה נַפְשִׁי;    וְלִדְבָרוֹ הוֹחָלְתִּי.
        5 I wait for the LORD, my soul does wait, and in His word do I hope.
ו   נַפְשִׁי לַאדֹנָי--    מִשֹּׁמְרִים לַבֹּקֶרשֹׁמְרִים לַבֹּקֶר.
        6 My soul waits for the Lord, more than watchmen for the morning; yea, more  than watchmen for the morning.
  ז  יַחֵל יִשְׂרָאֵלאֶל-יְהוָה:    כִּי-עִם-יְהוָה הַחֶסֶדוְהַרְבֵּה עִמּוֹ   פְדוּת.
        7 O Israel, hope in the LORD; for with the LORD           there is mercy, and with Him  is plenteous redemption.
ח  וְהוּאיִפְדֶּה אֶת-יִשְׂרָאֵל--    מִכֹּלעֲוֺנֹתָיו.
        8 And He will redeem Israel from all his iniquities.

              Psalms Chapter 121 תְּהִלִּים
א  שִׁירלַמַּעֲלוֹת:
אֶשָּׂא עֵינַיאֶל-הֶהָרִים--    מֵאַיִןיָבֹא עֶזְרִי.
      1 A Song of Ascents. 
I      will lift up mine eyes unto the mountains: from whence shall my help come?
ב  עֶזְרִימֵעִם יְהוָה--    עֹשֵׂהשָׁמַיִם וָאָרֶץ.
       2 My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth.
ג  אַל-יִתֵּן לַמּוֹט רַגְלֶךָ;    אַל-יָנוּםשֹׁמְרֶךָ.
       3 He will not suffer thy foot to be moved; He that keeps thee will not slumber.
ד  הִנֵּה לֹא-יָנוּםוְלֹא יִישָׁן--    שׁוֹמֵריִשְׂרָאֵל.
       4 Behold, He that keeps Israel does neither slumber nor sleep.
ה  יְהוָה שֹׁמְרֶךָ;    יְהוָה צִלְּךָעַל-יַד יְמִינֶךָ.
       5 The LORD is thy keeper; the LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand.
ו  יוֹמָםהַשֶּׁמֶשׁ לֹא-יַכֶּכָּה;    וְיָרֵחַ בַּלָּיְלָה.
       6 The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.
ז  יְהוָהיִשְׁמָרְךָ מִכָּל-רָע:    יִשְׁמֹראֶת-נַפְשֶׁךָ.
       7 The LORD shall keep thee from all evil; He shall keep thy soul.
ח  יְהוָהיִשְׁמָר-צֵאתְךָ וּבוֹאֶךָ--    מֵעַתָּהוְעַד-עוֹלָם.
        8 The LORD shall guard thy going out and thy coming in, from this time forth and forever

Psalms - Chapter 142 תְּהִלִּים

1A maskil of David, when he was in the cave, a prayer. אמַשְׂכִּ֥יל לְדָוִ֑ד בִּֽהְיוֹת֖וֹ בַמְּעָרָ֣ה תְפִלָּֽה:
2[With] my voice, I cry out to the Lord; [with] my voice, I supplicate the Lord. בקוֹלִי אֶל־יְהֹוָ֣ה אֶזְעָ֑ק ק֜וֹלִ֗י אֶל־יְ֘הֹוָ֥ה אֶתְחַנָּֽן:
3I pour out before Him my speech; my distress I recite before Him. גאֶשְׁפֹּ֣ךְ לְפָנָ֣יו שִׂיחִ֑י צָֽ֜רָתִ֗י לְפָ֘נָ֥יו אַגִּֽיד:
4When my spirit enwraps itself upon me, and You know my path. In whichever way I go, they have hidden a snare for me. דבְּהִתְעַטֵּ֬ף עָלַ֜י | רוּחִ֗י וְאַתָּה֘ יָדַ֪עְתָּ נְתִֽיבָ֫תִ֥י בְּאֹֽרַח־ז֥וּ אֲהַלֵּ֑ךְ טָֽמְנ֖וּ פַ֥ח לִֽי:
5Looking to the right, I see that no one recognizes me; escape is lost from me; no one seeks my soul. ההַבֵּ֚יט יָמִ֨ין | וּרְאֵה֘ וְאֵין־לִ֪י מַ֫כִּ֥יר אָבַ֣ד מָנ֣וֹס מִמֶּ֑נִּי אֵ֖ין דּוֹרֵ֣שׁ לְנַפְשִֽׁי:
6I cried out to You, O Lord; I said, "You are my refuge, my lot in the land of the living." וזָעַ֥קְתִּי אֵלֶ֗יךָ יְהֹ֫וָ֥ה אָ֖מַרְתִּי אַתָּ֣ה מַחְסִּ֑י חֶ֜לְקִ֗י בְּאֶ֣רֶץ הַֽחַיִּים:
7Hearken to my cry for I have become very low; save me from my pursuers for they have overpowered me. זהַקְשִׁ֚יבָה | אֶל־רִנָּתִי֘ כִּֽי־דַלּ֪וֹתִי מְ֫אֹ֥ד הַצִּילֵ֥נִי מֵרֹֽדְפַ֑י כִּ֖י אָֽמְצ֣וּ מִמֶּֽנִּי:
8Take my soul out of confinement to give thanks to Your name; because of me the righteous will crown You, because You will recompense me. חה֘וֹצִ֚יאָה מִמַּסְגֵּ֨ר | נַפְשִׁי֘ לְהוֹד֪וֹת אֶת־שְׁ֫מֶ֥ךָ בִּ֖י יַכְתִּ֣רוּ צַדִּיקִ֑ים כִּ֖י תִגְמֹ֣ל עָלָֽי:


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