Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Fw: HTC Newsletter: Welcome Back to Another Year at HTC!

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Sent: Wed, Sep 27, 2023 at 10:06 AM
Subject: HTC Newsletter: Welcome Back to Another Year at HTC!

September 27, 2023




Dear Alumni and Friends,



Shana Tova!


As we begin the New Year, we are thrilled to introduce the new HTC Newsletter. Building on the success of our Centennial year, this dynamic platform will be your gateway to engaging events, esteemed alumni and student spotlights, and enriching content that reflects our timeless commitment to Torah, knowledge, and tradition. Join us on this journey as we continue to share exciting news, stories, and updates with our HTC community and beyond.



With warm regards,

Rabbi Shmuel L. Schuman


Stay Tuned: The Yeshiva Network

Following a Centennial year of connecting and engaging with alumni, HTC is thrilled to launch THE YESHIVA NETWORK, a new alumni networking platform and interactive directory. In just a few months, alumni will be able to connect with classmates and network professionally with all Yeshiva alumni in our exclusive platform built to foster meaningful connections that began here at the Yeshiva. Features will include messaging options, group conversations, job boards, and professional opportunities for alumni and students. The platform is synced with today's common networking tools such as LinkedIn and other social media platforms, allowing for seamless connectivity through social and professional networks. Stay tuned for more information as we launch this incredibly exciting initiative.  

Our Students: Past and Present

HTC is proud of our students, past and present! Take a look at this month's spotlighted student and alumnus.

Alumnus Name: Noam Skidelsky

Class: Class of 2016

Profession: Senior Associate at PWC 

What class do you remember enjoying most: Rabbi Weiss' Shiur in 11th grade

One memory that stands out to you: The memory that sticks out the most to me is Yomim Noraim in Skokie. The opportunity to daven during those days with your rabbeim still leaves an impact with me today. It changed the way I approach davening during those days and also davening in general.

Student Name: Yaakov Avner

Grade: 12th grade, Class of 2024

Favorite Class: This year, I have enjoyed Jewish history. Besides having a great teacher, this class is exploring Jews on the eve of modernity, an area of our history I haven't studied before.

What Career are you Interested in Pursuing: I don't know what career I want to pursue, but the Yeshiva has prepared me to study anything I want.

Best memory at FYHS so far: My favorite memory so far would be my Junior overnight trip. I spent time with my friends at the beach, and the chevra really came together during our late-night kumzitz. 

HTC News

Check out HTC's revamped Website for more exciting news, pictures, events, and more!

Fasman Yeshiva Seniors Travel to NY to Launch V'haarev Na

This year, Fasman Yeshiva High School is thrilled to launch the V'haarev Na learning program here at the Yeshiva. As a kickoff to this program, the Senior Class traveled together to New York with Rabbi Moshe Revah, HTC Rosh Yeshiva and Rabbi Ephraim Goldman, FYHS Rebbe where they had the special opportunity to meet Rabbi Dovid Newman, the founder...

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FYHS Students Give Their First Chaburas

Fasman Yeshiva takes great pride in our successful first week of chaburas! Be'ezras Hashem throughout the year each talmid will have several opportunities to deliver a chabura to his class. With the help of our dedicated Rebbe...

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HTC Kollel Welcomes New Rosh Chabura and Kollel Families

Rabbi Yehuda Gordon, Rosh Chabura (pictured on the left)

New Kollel Families:

Rabbi Shmuli and Mrs. Rochel Broyne

Rabbi Noah and Mrs. Tova Barron

Click here to view

Rabbi Noach Goldstein Joins FYHS

FYHS is excited to announce the hiring of Rabbi Noach Goldstein beginning with the start of the 2023-24 school year. He will teach the highest-level 11th grade shiur. Rabbi Goldstein has served as the Rosh Beis Midrash of the YU Torah Mitzion Kollel of Chicago since 2020. In that capacity, he helped direct the Kollel's internal learning, where he gives weekly chaburos in gemara and halacha. Rabbi Goldstein teaches Torah at almost every level and age group...

Click here to read more

More HTC News

Divrei Torah from Our Alumni and Rebbeim

Inyanei HaYeshiva: Sukkos Edition

Click here to read our new edition of Inyanei HaYeshiva for Sukkos online! Featuring Divrei Torah from HTC rebbeim and administration!

Pick up your hard copy in a shul near you this Shabbos!

Read More

Sukkos - Developing Ahavas Hashem

By Rabbi Eli Smith

There is a strong connection between the Yamim Nora'im – Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur – and Sukkos. During the Yamim Nora'im we are developing and improving our relationship with Hashem primarily through the means of Yir'ah. However, for the general masses our...

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Introducing: The Revamped HTC100 Website!

Welcome to the revitalized and ever-evolving HTC Centennial Site! Building upon the legacy of our Centennial year, we are thrilled to announce that this site will now serve as a dynamic space to showcase our ongoing events and programs, celebrate our esteemed alumni, and share enriching content throughout the year. We will continue to house pictures, videos, and more from our Centennial Year and Gala on our site, while continuing to celebrate the achievements of our HTC community. Join us as we continue to share the exciting things happening at HTC!

Visit our New Website!

Centennial Recap

Thank you to the 700+ guests who joined us for our Centennial Gala and 700+ alumni who celebrated with us at events across the world. We are so appreciative of our 2000+ alumni and friends worldwide who supported our HTC100 annual and capital campaigns. Special mazal tov to our Rosh HaYeshiva Emeritus, Rabbi Avraham and Rebbetzin Tamar Friedman for their 40 years of Harbatzas HaTorah in our Yeshiva. We are thrilled to introduce the Sarah Hartman Women's College of Touro at HTC.

Thank you to our donors for investing in HTC's next century of learning, teaching, and leading!

View All our Centennial Donors
The Yeshiva Show Podcast

Catch up on all 4 seasons of The Yeshiva Show now!

Stay tuned to hear about exciting updates on the podcast's direction moving forward!

Click to Listen
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The New Sarah Hartman Women's College of Touro Brochure!

Click to view flipbook online
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and a partner with the Jewish United Fund in serving our community

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