Monday, September 11, 2023

Fw: Jay Buchsbaum visits JM in the AM w/ Holiday Wine recommendations

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Sent: Mon, Sep 11, 2023 at 12:06 PM
Subject: Jay Buchsbaum visits JM in the AM w/ Holiday Wine recommendations
Jay Buchsbaum visits JM in the AM w/ Holiday Wine recommendations
NSN / JM in the AM Weekly Newsletter                                                  
September 11, 2023

The annual JM in the AM Yankie Meyer Elul Chesed Campaign has begun! Click Here to visit the page and learn about the various organizations Nachum has been highlighting on JM in the AM.

Today on JM in the AM:
  • Nachum hosted Rabbi Marty Katz, Founding Executive Vice President of Just One Life, to discuss the organization and preview tomorrow's event featuring renowned scholar and speaker Rabbi Y.Y. Jacobson: Click here
  • Nachum welcomed Royal Wine's Jay Buchsbaum, world famous sommelier and Nachum's go-to guy for anything wine related, to the studio during this morning's program for a comprehensive pre-High Holiday kosher wine update. L'Chaim!: Click here
  • Nachum was joined by Joey Folkman and Bennett Schachter in the studio this morning for a discussion about Nikki Haley's candidacy for US President and to preview the important event concerning her candidacy coming up in Englewood, NJ: Click here
  • Click here for the full show
Tomorrow on JM in the AM:
  • Nachum welcomes Rav Shlomo Katz to the program to discuss his latest music and the upcoming Holidays-Yamim Noraim. (8:00 a.m. ET)
  • Nachum conducted the Weekly Update with Malcolm Hoenlein, Vice Chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations: Click here
  • Nachum welcomed Eli Lunzer, Founder of Eli Lunzer Productions, to Friday's JM in the AM to feature him as one of our Jewish heroes that has declared to his industry and the world the primacy of Shabbat: Click here
  • Nachum hosted Cantor Benny Rogosnitzky of the Park East Synagogue to preview the first night of Selichot at Park East. They also discussed leading High Holiday prayers and more: Click here
  • Nachum welcomed Racheli and Bracha Rosenthal of Yummy Blessings back to JM in the AM to feature their creative and delicious products. Make sure to visit their website a place your holiday orders today!: Click here 
  • Nachum welcomed artist/photographer Meir Kruter to the show to congratulate him on his recent Mishpachah Magazine cover and more: Click here
  • Nachum welcomed Liora Tedgi to JM in the AM on behalf of Ohr Meir & Bracha to discuss the organization and bringing a sweet new year to our brothers and sisters in Israel: Click here 
  • Nachum was joined in the studio by Yossi Baumol, Director of Development & PR for the Makor Chaim Institutions, to discuss the latest news from Makor Chaim and much more: Click here
  • Nachum hosted Steve Adelsberg live in the studio to discuss a number of important topics including our Elul Chesed Campaign, Rebbes, Judge (Day of Judgement & Aaron Judge) and more: Click here
  • Check out all of our great NSN program archives HERE.
  • Do you have a friend who would love JM in the AM and NSN? Forward them this newsletter and remind them how easy it is to listen (NSNApp,, 605.562.4400). 

This Week on NSN:
  • On this week's edition of JM Sunday, Mattes Weingast presented great Jewish music, the latest news from Israel and Morning Chizuk with Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser.
  • On this week's After Further Review, Yoni Pollak and Yeshiva League Sports Commissioner Seth Gordon recapped Week 1 of the NFL season and discussed the MLB playoff races and this year's US open.
  • Nachum welcomes Rav Shlomo Katz to tomorrow's program to discuss his latest music project and the upcoming Holidays-Yamim Noraim. (8:00 a.m. ET)
  • Make sure to tune in on Wednesday Nights at 8:00 p.m. ET for Tani Talks Radio and Thursday nights at 10:00 p.m. ET for Tani Talks Parsha, both hosted by Tani Guterman on NSN.
  • Tune in on Thursday morning as Nachum Segal presents the 40th Anniversary Celebration of JM in the AM! (6:00 a.m. ET)
  • Tune in on Friday morning for the latest news concerning Israel and the Jewish community around the world with Nachum and Malcolm Hoenlein in the return of The Weekly Update. (7:40 a.m. ET)
  • Do you have a friend who would love JM in the AM and NSN? Forward them this newsletter and remind them how easy it is to listen (NSNApp,, 605.562.4400).    
NSN Kosher Halftime Show 2023 featuring an historic interview with Nachum Segal and Yerachmiel Begun is available for viewing. Click HERE or the image below to enjoy right now.
Thank you to our presenting sponsor The Rothenberg Law Firm, LLP.
Thank you to our commercial sponsors: 24six, Bartenura, Tirat Zvi and Tuscanini.
#onlyonNSN #KHS2023
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