Sunday, September 3, 2023

Fw: Mr. C the Holidays are almost here 🍯

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From: "Rabbi Zalman Shmotkin" <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Sun, Sep 3, 2023 at 4:55 PM
Subject: Mr. Chroman, the Holidays are almost here ��
Yom Kippur
The crispy apple and sticky honey. The delicious brisket dinner shared with family and friends.

By the Grace of G-d
17 Elul, 5783
Year of Hakhel

Dear Mr. Chroman,

I've been hoping to get in touch with you because some very big days are coming!

Starting with Rosh Hashanah, the "head" of the year: 

In advance of these incredibly holy days (this year, Sept. 15-17), the holiday sounds, tastes, and feelings stimulate our senses and stir our memories.

The crispy apple and sticky honey. The delicious brisket dinner to be shared with family and friends. The heart-stirring blasts of the shofar. Wishing one another a Happy, Healthy, and Sweet New Year.

These are all parts of Rosh Hashanah's ultimate splendor: G-d's renewal of creation. The new power we are each given to change the world. And our promise to use it for good.

I'm writing to you because I believe you appreciate Rosh Hashanah's miracle of renewal, creation, and rejuvenation... what it means for the Jewish people... and what it means for all of humanity.

I'm asking you to donate now in honor of Rosh Hashanah, to help illuminate the world with the timeless wisdom and traditions of Judaism.

Your gift of $36 – or any amount that's right for you – will ensure that the teams can keep up with the increased demand.

Here's where to give:

People from all over the world are searching for answers and for meaning.

We really need you to help them find it. 

Your kindness will ensure that our "Ask the Rabbi" experts will continue to respond personally to the heartfelt questions that people ask at all hours of the day and night.

The world needs this critical lifeline. You or someone you know may need it, too.

If you'd like to send a check, please do so here:
Chabad.ORG | 770 Eastern Parkway Suite 405 | Brooklyn, NY 11213
(Please also remember Chabad.ORG in your will!)

Here's how powerful your donation will be: You'll help people in crisis. You'll help others discover that their lives have purpose. You'll help repair the brokenness of the world, one question, and one person, at a time...

Many people feel like they live in spiritual isolation. They feel like they have little or no connection to their faith and their community. Some suffer from loneliness or anxiety.

They are people of all ages. From all walks of life. From nearly every country around the world. They seek a connection... to their own souls, to community, to the Torah's timeless insight. Your donation will keep their lifeline available now when they really need it.

When you connect people to the kind and patient advice of our rabbis and counselors, you are assuring them that they are loved and cared for. That they are the apple of G-d's eye. That they have a unique role that only they can play for the entire world. Your gift will help connect them to life skills and tools to face life's challenges.

Our secure, quick, easy donation page:

Here's a message we got from a 14-year-old girl:

Hi Rabbi, I live in a small town without any temples. I want to learn more about the Jewish religion since I come from the faith but I don't really know much. I try asking my mom sometimes, but she doesn't know either. Could you teach me about the Jewish new year and what it all means? I'm really all alone here.

This young woman knows something is missing in her life. She can't find it in her small town. So she turns to with her questions. You can help make sure she gets her answers.

Your gift will be taking her under YOUR wing and helping her in her journey for meaning, faith, and connection.

Your kindness and your actions will give her and many others a safe and welcoming place to learn, to connect, to be inspired.

It's not just young people. Read this message from an 83-year-old man who wants to celebrate the bar-mitzvah he was denied earlier in life. Here's what he wrote:

I never had a bar mitzvah. I want to celebrate my bar-mitzvah on my Jewish birthdate, with the correct Torah and haftarah portions. I've been told that I'm too late. Is this true?

Is it 70 years too late for him? Of course not! That's exactly why I'm writing to you now: To help people like him who yearn for Jewish community and guidance on Jewish practice. You can be there for him. And for so many others.

(And any time you need us, we'll, of course, be here for you, too.)

Your donation is especially important during the Rosh Hashanah-High Holiday season.  When the shofar sounds, it'll call us to reconnect to G-d, to start a new page, to resolve to do better.  And it'll challenge us to reach deep within ourselves to emulate G-d and provide new life to others with generosity and love.

The power of this new life — propelled in part by your donations — will surely help protect the Jewish people, and the entire world (!), during the year to come.

This is the miraculous power G-d gives every one of us; this is the gift of Rosh Hashanah that G-d gives you.

It's why I hope you'll find it in your heart to donate now. For you. For all the people in search of Judaism's timeless wisdom and life-skills. For all who seek friendship and community.

And for the whole world.

Your gift will make sure that someone who has essential life questions and who is in need of a listening ear has somewhere to turn.

The High Holidays are right around the corner. Rosh Hashanah, and then the awesome and holy day of Yom Kippur. 

This is when we come together to pray and bless each other for a sweet year.

Can you bless others with a gift of $36 in honor of the High Holidays?

It's a great way to start the New Year. If now isn't a good time for you to give, I understand. Donate if you can.

May you and your loved ones be granted a Happy, Healthy, and Sweet New Year, a year of life and tranquility, a year of unity and goodness, for you and for the entire world!

Shanah Tovah!

Rabbi Zalman Shmotkin
Executive Director

P.S. If you or someone you know seeks insightful, accessible (and practical!) content to prepare for Rosh Hashanah, and to help make the day more personally relevant and resonant, please consider this your personal invitation to explore our online Rosh Hashanah offerings. (And please let us know if you found what you were looking for!)

P.P.S. We are in the final days of the Hakhel Year, and it's certainly good 'til its very last drop!

Gather together with your friends and family – whether for the first or hundredth time – and encourage each other to become yet more attuned to G-d and His Torah and mitzvot!

Finally, in preparation for Rosh Hashanah, I'd like to invite you to learn an applicable personal lesson directly from the Rebbe, of righteous memory, about tonight's special birthdays on the Jewish calendar. Enjoy!

If you would prefer not to receive any more emails about this High Holiday campaign, please go here to tell us.

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