Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Fwd: Aseret Yemei Teshuvah Essay Collection

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From: OU Women's Initiative <ouwomen@ou.org>
Date: Tue, Sep 12, 2023, 2:09 PM
Subject: Aseret Yemei Teshuvah Essay Collection
To: <agentemes4@gmail.com>



Dear Friend,  


The days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are known as the Aseret Yemei Teshuvah, days when we dedicate time to grow closer to Hashem, to repent and return. We are provided with a remarkable canon of halachic and hashkafic works which guide us during this auspicious period. These messages are echoed by contemporary psychologists who use modern language to convey these timeless ideas. This collection of essays expounds on the nexus of Torah and psychology to provide us with tools to build and repair our relationship with Hashem, others and ourselves, to inspire growth and direct our prayers heavenward.    


The OU Women's Initiative is deeply grateful to Yitzchok and Barbie Lehmann Siegel and an anonymous donor for their generous support of this project. Thank you to the Women's Initiative commission chairs, Miriam Greenspan and Nomi Rotblat for their leadership and dedication. Thank you to the talented mental health professionals for their erudite observations and insights. Finally, I express my appreciation to the Women's Initiative team, Adeena Mayerfeld, Nechama Epstein, Rachel Miller and Shoshana Rapps, the Mr. Saul Bernstein OU Women's Initiative Summer Intern, for their efforts in putting this meaningful collection together. 


I hope that this gift from the OU Women's Initiative provides you with inspiration and strength during this auspicious time of year. May Hashem grant us a year filled with good health, happiness and holiness in a restored world. 


Please find the 

Aseret Yemei Teshuvah 2023 Essay Collection here: 


For all of our Yemei Ratzon Ideas and Inspiration programming, please visit ouwomen.org/yr23



 כתיבה וחתימה טובה

Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman

Director, The Women's Initiative 



Archived Elul Programming Below:


Taking Stock in the Month of Elul: Reaping, Weeping and Reflecting- Face to Face: Rabbanit Shani Taragin Elul 5778

Video | Everyday Jewish Living | women (ou.org)

The Shofar: A Call to Active Listening: Mrs. Elisheva Kamenetsky Elul 5779

Video | Everyday Jewish Living | women (ou.org)


Chodesh Elul: Three Necessary Components of Repentance and Renewal: Mrs. Michal Horowtiz: Elul 5781

Video | Everyday Jewish Living | women (ou.org)



Rosh Chodesh Elul: Teshuva in Light of the Pandemic - Rabbanit Shani Taragin



Reaching Out to Hashem with Tefillah and Teshuva Rebbetzin Smadar Rosensweig: Selichot Night 5781 Reaching Out to Hashem with Tefillah and Teshuvah - Ideas and Inspiration - OU Torah


Spiritual Readiness for the Yamim Noraim Rabbanit Rookie Billet: Selichot Night

Spiritual Readiness for the Yamim Noraim - Ideas and Inspiration - OU Torah


Teshuvah: Psychology of Change: Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman Aseret Yemei Teshuva 5781: Teshuvah: Psychology of Change - Ideas and Inspiration - OU Torah


21st century Teshuva: Sivan Rahav Meir 5778

Video | Everyday Jewish Living | women (ou.org)


Tefillah Daily Audio Series: Yemei Ratzon 5780

Yemei Ratzon Tefillah Audio Series | Everyday Jewish Living | women (ou.org)


Teshuva-Tefillah-Tzedakah Series 5781

Teshuvah: Return + Reboot with Dr. Michelle Sarna (daily audio)



Tefillah Challenges: Tefillah Challenges: Focus on Ashrei with Mrs. Shira Hochheimer (daily audio)



Teshuva: To Gain and to Give: Hilchot Tzedakah with Halacha Yomi for Women


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