Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel 5 Tishrei 5784/September 20, 2023

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From: The Agudah <>
Date: Wed, Sep 20, 2023, 5:43 PM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel 5 Tishrei 5784/September 20, 2023
To: <>

September 20, 2023 - 5 Tishrei 5784

In the News Today: Am Echad statement on protests during PM Netanyahu's visit to the U.S... Guidance for traveling with Arba Minim... Teshuva, Teffila, U'tzedaka series starts tonight... And, Bnos Aseres Yemei Teshuva event

Am Echad Statement on Protests During PM Netanyahu's Visit to the US

"As an organization dedicated to advancing the connection between Israel and the Diaspora and deeply concerned for Israel's safety, we would like to express our dismay at the reckless and inciteful rhetoric adopted by the Israeli protest movement during Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's visit to the United States."

Am Echad an affiliate of Agudath Israel, today issued a statement on the protests during PM Netanyahu's visit to the US:

Click here or see below to read the full statement.

Agudath Israel Advocacy Continues to Ease Way for Arba Minim

As in past years, Agudath Israel of America's Washington Office has worked closely with agencies of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to help avoid potential problems for travelers carrying arba minim. 

Both the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) have notified their respective field personnel about the upcoming Sukkos holiday and the increased level of travel by persons of the Jewish faith, many of whom will be carrying arba minim. The agencies have also made this information available to the public - the TSA notice here and the CBP notice here.

Click here or see below to continue reading.

For the TSA notice click here.

For the CBP notice click here.

For the Agudah handout click here.

Teshuva, Teffila, U'Tzedaka Series

Agudah's Teshuva, Teffila, U'Tzedaka series will take place Monday, September 18 - Thursday, September 21.

Go to to or call 718.820.7284 x52 to join.

On Monday at 10:00 PM EDT Rabbi Yair Adler, Rav Khal Shoavei Mayim,

Toronto, ON, will be speaking.

On Tuesday at 10:00 PM EDT Rabbi Aryeh Malkiel Kotler, Rosh HaYeshiva,

Beis Medrash Govoha, will be speaking.

Bnos Agudas Yisroel Aseres Yemei Teshuva Event

Attention all women!

Join Bnos Agudas Yisroel for an evening of inspiration and hear from Mrs. Chani Juravel and Mrs. Toby Teller on preparing yourself

for Yom Kippur.

Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 9:00 PM ET

Call 212-797-9000 ext: 353, or email your chart to to be entered into a raffle.

Call 641.715.3800, 937120#. Prompt 2 Mrs. Juravel; prompt 3 Mrs. Teller.

Am Echad Statement on Protests During PM Netanyahu's Visit to the US; continued...

Am Echad an affiliate of Agudath Israel, today issued a statement on the protests during PM Netanyahu's visit to the US:

As an organization dedicated to advancing the connection between Israel and the Diaspora and deeply concerned for Israel's safety, we would like to express our dismay at the reckless and inciteful rhetoric adopted by the Israeli protest movement during Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's visit to the United States.

Am Echad does not have a position on the process and content of the judicial reform in Israel, out of respect for the ability of the Israeli citizens to form policy on this internal issue. Nor do we support any political party or figure. However, we cannot remain silent when the security of Israel's 9 million citizens is being undermined on the United States soil.

Protest installations, such as the "Welcome Bibi" projection on Alcatraz and "Don't Believe Crime Minister Netanyahu" on the United Nations building in New York, stray far from internal Israeli debate about checks and balances. They foment anti-Israel and antisemitic sentiments in the greater American society and world media.

Needless to say, we fully support the democratic tradition of both Israel and the United States, including the right to rigorous social debate, protests, and demonstrations against government policies. However, democracy and the right to protest cannot be allowed to metamorphose into attempts to undermine the country itself, and thus the security of its people.

We call on the leaders of the Israeli protest movement and their supporters in the United States to behave responsibly and be mindful of the repercussions of their actions for both Israel and the US Jewish community. Nothing can undermine the Israeli efforts against the Iranian nuclear threat like a sign on the United Nations' building, calling the delegates not to believe Netanyahu's messages on Iran. Moreover, as lessons of the past have shown us, any anti-Israel messaging in the media immediately translates into an uptick in antisemitic attacks on US Jewry.

We urge all responsible American Jewish organizations to show leadership and come out forcefully against such harmful and damaging rhetoric, making it clear that the American Jewish community will not tolerate attempts to undermine Israel's safety and will continue to insist on a basic level of decorum and mutual respect in policy debates.

In this historic hour, we all share the responsibility to turn this crisis into an opportunity for a long-overdue consensus-building conversation. We all share the responsibility to return peace and understanding to our people.

Agudath Israel Advocacy Continues to Ease Way for Arba Minim; continued...

The notifications, which have been sent out to federal officials at airports and border crossings, emphasize the religious significance of these items and outline the rules and procedures that would help allay possible security and health issues that are of concern to the federal government. Prior to these agency steps, lack of familiarity regarding Sukkos and the arba minim had led to numerous incidents each year of inadvertent mishandling and mistreatment -- including denial of entry -- of these ritual objects.


The TSA Notice makes clear that the arba minim carried in airports, through security checkpoints or on aircraft, are not on the "prohibited items list" and provides instructions for travelers needing "special accommodations" in regard to checkpoint screening. The CBP Guidance sets forth detailed information regarding the inspection process for personal sets of arba minim brought into the United States from foreign countries at select ports of entry and points out that the agency is "committed to treating all travelers, including travelers who may be observing Sukkot, with respect and dignity at all U.S. ports of entry." 

We are gratified by the ongoing sensitivity of these agencies to the religious concerns of our community," said Rabbi Abba Cohen, Agudath Israel's Vice President for Government Affairs and Washington Director. "They are taking meaningful and appropriate steps to accommodate our religious needs."


He also thanked his colleague Rabbi Ariel Sadwin for serving as the main Agudah point of contact with those federal agencies related to the annual guidance.


Agudath Israel of America once again produced a one-page handout that travelers can print out - or save to their phones - to familiarize themselves with the rules before traveling.

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